Re: Draft WG charter


a few comments just to show that I am back and working now:

>WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning (webdav) Charter
>Draft, v0.1, September 15, 1996
>Description and Purpose of Working Group
>The HTTP protocol contains functionality which enables the editing of web
>content at a remote location, without direct access to the storage media via
>an operating system.

I seem to remember this discussion appeared already in either one of the
working group, and was discussed by David Durand and me while drafting the
versioning requirements. Is my interpretation of the last sentence correct,
in that the lack of "direct access to the storage media" is *required*? I
mean, do we exclude support for non-HTTP access to the stored media (e.g.
direct file access, FTP, or even redundant copies (published and local
ones), or do we simply include both direct and HTTP access? If so, wouldn't
the sentence improve if it stated:

"...with or without direct access to the storage media"?

>It is assumed that user needs encompass the abilities currently found in
>distributed authoring tools, which include versioning, listing and creating
>directories, locking, and typed relationships. Other reasonable distributed
>authoring functionality includes metadata capability, the ability to copy
>and move web content from a remote location, and access to the unprocessed
>source representation of content.

Should we include a discussion on synchronous vs. asynchronous
collaboration? (e.g. is notification out of this group?)



Received on Sunday, 15 September 1996 18:58:10 UTC