Re: Seiwald Q & A -- "GET for EDIT" cookies

At 10:00 PM 8/28/96, Christopher Seiwald wrote:
>Me again:
>Locking ("reservations") can be handled by LOCK, I quite agree.  But
>SCM systems don't hang all their context on a lock: they hang it on the
>"checkout".  That's when the user tells the system, "I'll be changing
>this here document," and the system records that fact for the day when
>the user says, "Uh, here's that document I changed." The SCM system uses
>this context to keep track of the dozens (thousands?) of users out there,
>all trying to change the same set of documents (but invariable all
>starting with different revisions of those documents).

Well, _my_ interpretation of lock is that it's a notofication of intent to
modify a resource. I don't think (but not everyone agrees with me) that we
can specify a single policy for locking that will work for everyone: but we
can define operations the servers can interpret to "do the right thing"
based on the policies that they implement, and the clients can meaningfully
implement in way that will let them be used effectively with different

    I don't think (and intentionally avoided requiring) that we can
guarantee that the same client used with different server will work exactly
the same way with each server. But a client should be able to work with
different servers and make effective use of the policies that the servers
do provide.

    So an argument that CHECKOUT/CHECKIN are required separate from a
LOCK/GET/PUT/UNLOCK cycle would have to be a case where a server needed to
have _both forms_ of operation in place, _and_ have both forms operate
oaccording to different semantics. We want sufficient operations to span
the space of behavior, but I don't think that the different behaviors need
distinct representations in the protocol, unless they need to be
simultaneously implemented.

>Not all SCM systems require a lock before checking in documents, and
>some acquire that lock automatically, so many PUTs are likely to happen
>in the absense of a LOCK.  But _all_ SCM systems (except CVS) require
>some sort of checkout (locking or non-locking) before checkin.
   I think we have to handle CVS too, which means we already can't
_require_ a CHECKOUT method.

If you don't need a lock, then LOCK followed by GET _is_ a checkout. Maybe
the name LOCK is bad. Maybe NOTIFY (of intention to write) would be better?

>  Now you
>could fudge it, and by remembering the URL and revision do a paired
>checkout/checkin to establish the required context.  But this defeats
>a feature that all modern SCM systems boast: tracking user activity.
>They have this feature because users don't remember what they're doing,
>and they certainly don't remember what other people are doing.  Half
>the job of SCM systems (and by extension, version aware web servers) is
>to keep track of who is doing what to what, just to remind everyone
>involved.  Those scenarios I cooked up (where Joe and Jane keep stepping
>on each other) weren't just from my past experience: they were from my
>past week's experience.

I don't have a problem with a server having a policy that passes out
multiple locks (as long as we can represent the state properly). I don't
see the problem with the client having to present the version number with
the document when reigstering an update.

Is the cookie a persisten session identifier? I'm still having trouble
understanding what it is, rather than what you wan tot do with it...

>Only one user can LOCK a file.  If the context is established on LOCK
>then there will be only one context per document, precluding Joe and
>Jane from finding out that they're doctoring the same text.
I'm not sure that this has to be the case. I'd rather relax the semantics
of lock, and keep a single protocol with access and update orhtogonal than
tighten the defintion, add more methods, and make client and server
implementation harder and more policy-dependent.

>Normally SCM systems have a tight association between the checkout
>context and the checked-out file, because often there is no way to work
>"outside" of the SCM system.  But if the SCM system is the backend of
>a version-aware web server, with the actual work happening in "stateless"
>web clients, then that context must be represented by a cookie.
What is the context? If I understood that maybe I would undertsand
everything. I still don't see what the cookie is _needed for_.

>The cookie belongs to the underlying SCM system; whether it is an MD5
>hash of the document contents, some cryptic string churned up from bowels
>of the SCM database, or "allworkandnoplaymakesjohnnyadullboy" is not
>HTTP's or a Web authoring tool's business.  They just have to keep it
>associated with the checked-out document so that it can be reunited with
>the checkout context at checkin time.
MD5 was just an example... What does the cookie identify: a state of the
document, a granted access request, a bunch of session information, or
something else?

>This cookie is the single most important component of distributed web
>authoring, IMHO.

May be. I can see some use for session identifiers (So I can check out the
same thing 5 times and post a variety of variants).
   Couldn't non-exclusive reservation also be handled by some kind of
generic "attach meta-data" operation; I suspect we will need something like
this as a hook for specific config management strategies in the second
phase anyway?

    -- David

David Durand         |
Boston University Computer Science          | Dynamic Diagrams    |

Received on Thursday, 29 August 1996 13:35:25 UTC