W3C Public Newsletter, 2020-06-15

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2020-06-15 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

W3C Communications Team

Updated Candidate Recommendation: Web Audio API

   11 June 2020

   The Audio Working Group invites implementation of its updated Candidate Recommendation of "Web Audio API." This specification describes a high-level Web API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications. The primary paradigm is of an audio routing graph, where a number of "AudioNode" objects are connected together to define the overall audio rendering. The actual processing will primarily take place in the underlying implementation (typically optimized Assembly / C / C++ code), but "direct script processing and synthesis" is also supported.


First Public Working Draft: Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby

   9 June 2020

   The Internationalization Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of "Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby." This document provides a simple set of rules for placement of Ruby text in Japanese typography that can be used as a minimum baseline for implementers and specification writers. It was developed by the JLReq (Japanese Layout) Task Force as a companion to Requirements for Japanese Text Layout 日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版).


   Ruby is the name given to the small annotations in Japanese content that are rendered alongside base text, usually to provide a pronunciation guide, but sometimes to provide other information.


   More news: <http://www.w3.org/blog/news/>


     * 2020-09-07 ( 7 SEP) – 2020-09-11 (11 SEP)
       W3C Virtual Workshop on Web & Machine Learning
     * 2020-09-21 (21 SEP) – 2020-10-31 (31 OCT)
       Remote-only W3C/OGC Joint Workshop Series on Maps for the Web
       Distributed, online workshops
       Hosted by Natural Resources Canada

Recent Video Releases

   Further to the May 2020 member Advisory Committee (AC) meeting, we are happy to share some of our current work status, updates and changes as of April 2020. The following 7 videos (and associated presentations) are available on W3C's YouTube channel (or directly from our "April 2020 updates" playlist:

     * Elika Etemad (fantasai) and Florian Rivoal explain the changes proposed in the 2020 edition of the W3C Process document, the governing document of W3C standardization activity (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)
     * Dan Appelquist, co-chair of the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG), gives an update of what the TAG has been working on in the recent months (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)
     * Wendy Seltzer, head of W3C Strategy, presents recent changes to the Strategy Funnel where W3C tracks its new and upcoming work, new Working Group charters, W3C workshops, W3C Community Groups (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)
     * Bernard Aboba, co-chair of the Web Real Time Communications (WebRTC) Working Group, gives a report on the Working Group status and roadmap (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)
     * Richard Ishida, W3C Internationalization Lead, gives an update of what has been happening in the Internalization activity in the last months (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)
     * Rachael Montgomery, co-chair of the W3C Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AGWG) gives an update on the status and roadmap of the Working Group (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)
     * Tzviya Siegman, co-chair of the Positive Work Environment Community Group, presents the proposed update to W3C's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (CEPC) (Video, slides, transcript and translations, or video on YouTube)

W3C Blog

     * Diversity and Inclusion at W3C: 2020 update; future of the W3C Diversity Fund
       11 June 2020 by Jeff Jaffe

Upcoming Talks

     * 2020-06-18(18 JUN)
       Understanding Web Accessibility
       Inable Webinar
     * 2020-09-20(20 SEP)
       IoT bootcamp: cognitive computing technology and AI powered analytics enhancing human expertise
       Berlin Conference Center
       Berlin, Germany

W3C Membership

   Learn more about the benefits of W3C Membership. If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to support W3C through a contribution.


New Members

     * Universidade de Lisboa - ULisboa

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read about W3C.


Receiving the Newsletter

   Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see past issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public Newsletter by email. If you no longer wish to receive the Newsletter, send us an unsubscribe email. Comments? Write the W3C Communications Team (w3t-comm@w3.org).


Received on Monday, 15 June 2020 12:57:10 UTC