W3C Public Newsletter, 2018-02-05

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2018-02-05 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

W3C Communications Team

Patent Advisory Group Recommends Continuing Work on Web Payments Specifications

   2 February 2018

   The second Web Payments Working Group Patent Advisory Group (PAG), launched in November 2017, has published a report recommending that W3C continue work on the Web Payments Specifications. W3C launches a PAG to resolve issues in the event a patent has been disclosed that may be essential, but is not available under the W3C Royalty-Free licensing terms.


HTML Media Capture is now a W3C Recommendation

   1 February 2018

   The Device and Sensors Working Group has published a W3C Recommendation of the "HTML Media Capture" specification.


   The HTML Media Capture specification defines an HTML form extension that facilitates user access to a device’s "media capture mechanism," such as a camera, or microphone, from within a file upload control.


Indexed Database API 2.0 is now a W3C Recommendation

   30 January 2018

   " " The Web Platform Working Group has published a W3C Recommendation of the "Indexed Database API 2.0" specification.


   The Indexed Database API 2.0 specification defines APIs for a database of records holding simple values and hierarchical objects. Each record consists of a key and some value. Moreover, the database maintains indexes over records it stores. An application developer directly uses an API to locate records either by their key or by using an index. A query language can be layered on this API. An indexed database can be implemented using a persistent B-tree data structure.

W3C Invites Implementations of WCAG 2.1

   30 January 2018

   The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group invites implementations of the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1" Candidate Recommendation. WCAG 2.1 covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity, and combinations of these. These guidelines address accessibility of web content on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. Following these guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to users in general. See the post WCAG 2.1 is a Candidate Recommendation for more information about this publication.


W3C Invites Implementations of Selectors Level 3

   30 January 2018

   The CSS Working Group invites implementations of the "Selectors Level 3" Candidate Recommendation. "Selectors" are patterns that match against elements in a tree, and as such form one of several technologies that can be used to select nodes in an XML document. Selectors have been optimized for use with HTML and XML, and are designed to be usable in performance-critical code. This document describes the selectors that already exist in CSS1 [ "CSS1" ] and CSS2 [ "CSS21" ], and further introduces new selectors for CSS3 and other languages that may need them.


   CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the rendering of HTML and XML documents on screen, on paper, in speech, etc. CSS uses Selectors for binding style properties to elements in the document.

   More news: <http://www.w3.org/blog/news/>


     * 2018-04-17 (17 APR) – 2018-04-18 (18 APR)
       Data Privacy Controls and Vocabularies
       Vienna, Austria
       Hosted by WU Wien
       A W3C Workshop on Linked Data and Privacy
     * 2018-05-10 (10 MAY) – 2018-05-11 (11 MAY)
       W3C Workshop on Web5G: Aligning evolutions of network and Web technologies
       London, UK
       Hosted by GSMA

W3C Blog

     * WCAG 2.1 is a Candidate Recommendation
       30 January 2018 by Andrew Kirkpatrick
     * Towards the Immersive Web
       30 January 2018 by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux

Upcoming Talks

     * 2018-02-22 (22 FEB)
       5G, are we on the right track? – standardizing service infrastructure for 5G

W3C Membership

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New Members

     * INFOCITY, Inc.

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read about W3C.


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Received on Monday, 5 February 2018 16:30:41 UTC