W3C Public Newsletter, 2014-04-14

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2014-04-14 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

XQuery 3.0, XPath 3.0, XQueryX 3.0, XDM 3.0, Serialization 3.0,
Functions and Operators 3.0 are now W3C Recommendations

   10 April 2014 | Archive


   The XML Query Working Group published "XQuery 3.0: An XML Query
   Language," along with "XQueryX," an XML representation for
   XQuery, both as W3C Recommendations, as well as the "XQuery 3.0
   Use Cases" and "Requirements" as final Working Group Notes.
   XQuery extends the XPath language to provide efficient search
   and manipulation of information represented as trees from a
   variety of sources.


   The XML Query Working Group and XSLT Working Group also jointly
   published W3C Recommendations of "XML Path Language (XPath)
   3.0," a widely-used language for searching and pointing into
   tree-based structures, together with "XQuery and XPath Data
   Model 3.0" which defines those structures, "XPath and XQuery
   Functions and Operators 3.0" which provides facilities for use
   in XPath, XQuery, XSLT and a number of other languages, and
   finally the "XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.0" specification
   giving a way to turn values and XDM instances into text, HTML
   or XML.


   Read about the XML Activity.


XML Entity Definitions for Characters (2nd Edition), and Mathematical
Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition are W3C

   10 April 2014 | Archive


   The Math Working Group has published two W3C Recommendations

     * XML Entity Definitions for Characters (2nd Edition). This
       document defines several sets of names, so that to each
       name is assigned a Unicode character or sequence of
       characters. Each of these sets is expressed as a file of
       XML entity declarations.
     * Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd
       Edition. This specification defines the Mathematical Markup
       Language, or MathML. MathML is a markup language for
       describing mathematical notation and capturing both its
       structure and content. The goal of MathML is to enable
       mathematics to be served, received, and processed on the
       World Wide Web, just as HTML has enabled this functionality
       for text.

   Learn more about the Math Activity.


W3C Track at WWW2014 in Seoul

   9 April 2014 | Archive


   [] At this year’s 23rd International World Wide Web Conference
   (WWW2014), W3C organizes W3C tutorial and W3C tracks where
   conference participants are invited to learn from, meet and
   discuss with our team of experts. With the conference located
   in Korea, the W3C track sessions also cater specifically for
   the Korean industry. The presentations and discussions are
   about Web Cryptography, Web Publishing, Web & TV, and Web
   accessibility. W3C and Tim Berners-Lee will dedicate the last
   W3C track session to the Web 25th birthday; ideas for the Web
   came and are still coming from the WWW conference series, thus
   we will give the floor to the audience and ask conference
   participants how they see the Web evolving in the next 25
   years. So, come and discuss!


MBUI: Abstract User Interface Models, and Task Models Notes Published

   8 April 2014 | Archive


   The Model-Based User Interfaces Working Group has published two
   Group Notes today:

     * MBUI – Abstract User Interface Models. Model-Based User
       Interface Design facilitates interchange of designs through
       a layered approach that separates out different levels of
       abstraction in user interface design. This document covers
       the specification of Abstract User Interface Models, by
       defining its semantics through a meta-model, and an
       interchange syntax (expressed as XML Schema) for exchanging
       Abstract User Interface Models between different user
       interface development environments.
     * MBUI – Task Models. Task models are useful when designing
       and developing interactive systems. They describe the
       logical activities that have to be carried out in order to
       reach the user’s goals. This document covers the
       specification of Task Models, with a meta-model expressed
       in UML, and an XML Schema that can be used as the basis for
       interchange of Task Models between different user interface
       development tools.

   Learn more about the Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity.


CSS Line Grid Module Level 1, and CSS Scoping Module Level 1 Drafts

   3 April 2014 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published
   two Working Drafts today:

     * CSS Line Grid Module Level 1. This module contains CSS
       features for aligning content to a baseline grid.
     * CSS Scoping Module Level 1. This specification defines
       various scoping/encapsulation mechanisms for CSS, including
       scoped styles and the @scope rule, Shadow DOM selectors,
       and page/region-based styling.

   CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured
   documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, in
   speech, etc. Learn more about the Style Activity.


Review of apps that use network information Note Published

   3 April 2014 | Archive


   The Web and Mobile Interest Group has published a Group Note of
   "Review of apps that use network information." The web
   platform currently lacks a means of exposing network-related
   information to web applications. Network information includes,
   but is not limited to, the type of network connection currently
   in use by a device (e.g., cellular, Wi-Fi, etc.). It can also
   include information such as the system notifying the
   application when the type of connection changes from one type
   to another (e.g., from cellular to Wi-Fi). Learn more about the
   Mobile Web Initiative Activity.


Vocabularies for EmotionML Note Published

   1 April 2014 | Archive


   The Multimodal Interaction Working Group has published a Group
   Note of "Vocabularies for EmotionML." This document provides a
   list of emotion vocabularies that can be used with EmotionML to
   represent emotions and related states. EmotionML provides
   mechanisms to represent emotions in terms of scientifically
   valid descriptors: categories, dimensions, appraisals, and
   action tendencies. Given the lack of agreement in the
   community, EmotionML does not provide a single vocabulary of
   emotion terms, but gives users a choice to select the most
   suitable emotion vocabulary in their annotations. In order to
   promote interoperability, publicly defined vocabularies should
   be used where possible and reasonable from the point of view of
   the target application. The present document provides a number
   of emotion vocabularies that can be used for this purpose.
   Learn more about the Multimodal Interaction Activity.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/blog/news/


     * 2014-05-07 ( 7 MAY) – 2014-05-08 ( 8 MAY)
       Seventh MultilingualWeb Workshop: New Horizons for the
       Multilingual Web
       Madrid, Spain
       Hosted by UPM
       As with previous MultilingualWeb events, this workshop will
       bring together speakers and participants with an interest
       in best practices and standards aimed at helping content
       creators, localizers, tools developers, and others meet the
       challenges of the multilingual Web. This workshop will
       emphasize new technology developments that may lead to new
       opportunities for the Multilingual Web. A unique
       proposition of the workshop is that it brings together
       speakers and provides opportunities for networking across a
       wide range of communities to produce a holistic view of the
       problems faced in developing and deploying multilingual
       content and applications on the Web.
     * 2014-06-25 (25 JUN) – 2014-06-26 (26 JUN)
       Workshop on the Web of Things
       Berlin, Germany
       Hosted by Siemens
       Participants in this workshop will examine the potential
       for open standards as a basis for services, either between
       devices, at the network edge, e.g. in home hubs, or in the
       cloud. They will discuss the use of web protocols and
       scripting languages for implementing services, the need for
       APIs for implementing drivers for specific IoT
       technologies, a shared approach to describing services as a
       basis for interoperability, and the underlying use of
       HTTP/COAP, Web Sockets, and EXI/JSON for RESTful services.

W3C Blog

     * This week: #web25 anniversary at #www2014, Real Work Modes
       of HTML WG, EU Data Retention Directive invalid, etc.
       11 April 2014 by Coralie Mercier
     * From Web Pages to the Web of Things
       9 April 2014 by Dave Raggett
     * Web @ 25, W3C @ 20 – Creating an Agile Web Standards
       7 April 2014 by Jeff Jaffe

Upcoming Talks

     * 2014-04-24 (24 APR)
       Managing dynamic ontologies that can't be allowed to
       by Phil Archer
       UK Ontology Network Meeting
       Birmingham, United Kingdom
     * 2014-05-14 (14 MAY)
       Open Data: Make the Most of Public Assets
       by Martín Álvarez
       WSIS Forum 2013
       Geneva, Switzerland

W3C Membership

   Learn more about the benefits of W3C Membership. If you or your
   organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to support W3C
   through a contribution.


New Members

     * Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale
     * Antenna House, Inc.
     * jig.jp co., ltd.

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


Receiving the Newsletter

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   past issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public
   Newsletter by email. If you no longer wish to receive the
   Newsletter, send us an unsubscribe email. Comments? Write the
   W3C Communications Team (w3t-comm@w3.org).


Received on Monday, 14 April 2014 21:27:21 UTC