W3C Public Newsletter, 2012-10-22

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Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

Call for Review: OWL 2

   18 October 2012 | Archive


   The OWL Working Group has published twelve Proposed Edited
   Recommendations today, and two Working Group Notes:


   The OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, informally OWL 2, is an
   ontology language for the Semantic Web with formally defined
   meaning. OWL 2 ontologies provide classes, properties,
   individuals, and data values and are stored as Semantic Web
   documents. OWL 2 ontologies can be used along with information
   written in RDF, and OWL 2 ontologies themselves are primarily
   exchanged as RDF documents. Comments on the Proposed Edited
   Recommendations are welcome through 15 November.

     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview. This
       document serves as an introduction to OWL 2 and the various
       other OWL 2 documents. It describes the syntaxes for OWL 2,
       the different kinds of semantics, the available profiles
       (sub-languages), and the relationship between OWL 1 and OWL
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Structural Specification and
       Functional-Style Syntax. The meaningful constructs provided
       by OWL 2 are defined in terms of their structure. As well,
       a functional-style syntax is defined for these constructs,
       with examples and informal descriptions. One can reason
       with OWL 2 ontologies under either the RDF-Based Semantics
       or the Direct Semantics. If certain restrictions on OWL 2
       ontologies are satisfied and the ontology is in OWL 2 DL,
       reasoning under the Direct Semantics can be implemented
       using techniques well known in the literature.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Mapping to RDF Graphs.This
       document defines the mapping of OWL 2 ontologies into RDF
       graphs, and vice versa.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Direct Semantics. This document
       provides the direct model-theoretic semantics for OWL 2,
       which is compatible with the description logic SROIQ.
       Furthermore, this document defines the most common
       inference problems for OWL 2.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language RDF-Based Semantics. This
       document defines the RDF-compatible model-theoretic
       semantics of OWL 2.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Conformance. This document
       describes the conditions that OWL 2 tools must satisfy in
       order to be conformant with the language specification. It
       also presents a common format for OWL 2 test cases that
       both illustrate the features of the language and can be
       used for testing conformance.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Profiles. This document
       provides a specification of several profiles of OWL 2 which
       can be more simply and/or efficiently implemented. In
       logic, profiles are often called fragments. Most profiles
       are defined by placing restrictions on the structure of OWL
       2 ontologies. These restrictions have been specified by
       modifying the productions of the functional-style syntax.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language New Features and Rationale.This
       document is a simple introduction to the new features of
       the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, including an explanation
       of the differences between the initial version of OWL and
       OWL 2. The document also presents the requirements that
       have motivated the design of the main new features, and
       their rationale from a theoretical and implementation
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Quick Reference Guide. This
       document provides a non-normative quick reference guide to
       the OWL 2 language. It also provides links to other
       documents, including the OWL 2 Primer for language
       introduction and examples, the OWL 2 Structural
       Specification and Functional Syntax document for more
       details of the functional syntax, and the OWL 2 New
       Features and Rationale document for new feature
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language XML Serialization. This
       document specifies an XML serialization for OWL 2 that
       mirrors its structural specification. An XML schema defines
       this syntax and is available as a separate document, as
       well as being included here.
     * rdf:PlainLiteral: A Datatype for RDF Plain Literals. This
       document presents the specification of a primitive datatype
       for the plain literals of RDF.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Primer. This primer provides an
       approachable introduction to OWL 2, including orientation
       for those coming from other disciplines, a running example
       showing how OWL 2 can be used to represent first simple
       information and then more complex information, how OWL 2
       manages ontologies, and finally the distinctions between
       the various sublanguages of OWL 2.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Manchester Syntax. This Working
       Group Note of The Manchester syntax is a user-friendly
       compact syntax for OWL 2 ontologies; it is frame-based, as
       opposed to the axiom-based other syntaxes for OWL 2. The
       Manchester Syntax is used in the OWL 2 Primer, and this
       document provides the language used there. It is expected
       that tools will extend the Manchester Syntax for their own
       purposes, and tool builders may collaboratively extend the
       common language.
     * OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Data Range Extension: Linear
       Equations. This Working Group Note specifies a syntax and
       semantics for incorporating linear equations with rational
       coefficients solved in the reals in OWL 2.

   Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.


Push API Draft Published

   18 October 2012 | Archive


   The Web Applications Working Group has published the First
   Public Working Draft of "Push API." This specification defines
   a “Push API” that provides webapps with scripted access to
   server-sent application data, for simplicity referred to here
   as "Push messages" as delivered by "Push services". Push
   services are a way for application servers to send messages to
   webapps, whether or not the webapp is active in a browser
   window. The specific method to be used by a webapp is either
   selected by the user through selecting a Web Intent Push
   Service provider, or by the browser. The Push API is defined to
   promote compatibility with any underlying delivery method.
   Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.


Last Call: XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1

   18 October 2012 | Archive


   The XML Security Working Group has published today two Last
   Call Working Drafts, as well as two Working Group Notes in
   conjunction with these:

     * XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1. This
       document specifies XML digital signature processing rules
       and syntax. XML Signatures provide integrity, message
       authentication, and/or signer authentication services for
       data of any type, whether located within the XML that
       includes the signature or elsewhere. Comments are welcome
       through 08 November.
     * XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1. This
       document specifies a process for encrypting data and
       representing the result in XML. The data may be in a
       variety of formats, including octet streams and other
       unstructured data, or structured data formats such as XML
       documents, an XML element, or XML element content. The
       result of encrypting data is an XML Encryption element that
       contains or references the cipher data. Comments are
       welcome through 08 November.
     * Functional Explanation of Changes in XML Signature 1.1.
       This document provides a summary of non-editorial changes
       in XML Signature 1.1 from the XML Signature Second Edition
     * Functional Explanation of Changes in XML Encryption 1.1.
       This document provides a summary of non-editorial changes
       in XML Encryption 1.1 from the XML Encryption

   Learn more about the Security Activity.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2012-11-08 ( 8 NOV)
       W3C Workshop on Web Performance
       Mountain View, California
       There is a an industry-wide momentum towards adopting HTML5
       and its series of companion specifications to deploy
       applications based on the Open Web Platform. Some of those
       applications are facing however challenges with regards to
       their performances. While Web browsers are improving their
       implementations on an ongoing basis, not all of those
       performance issues are due to the speed of the
       implementations. Participants will look at a broad range of
       performance issues and how to address them.
     * 2012-11-14 (14 NOV) – 2012-11-15 (15 NOV)
       Shift into High Gear on the Web: W3C Workshop on Web and
       Rome, Italy
       Hosted by Intel and Sponsored by Webinos
       W3C’s Open Web Platform (OWP) is driving this and other
       industry transformations. The promise of the early
       information superhighway is being fulfilled. Whether
       tethering a driver’s smartphone or tablet to work with a
       car--or embedding technology into the car itself--there’s
       no need to reinvent the wheel. The Web can take you there.
       Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to
       share their own perspectives, requirements, and ideas to
       ensure that emerging global technology standards meet the
       needs of the Web and Automotive industries.
     * 2012-11-26 (26 NOV) – 2012-11-27 (27 NOV)
       Do Not Track and Beyond
       Berkeley, California
       Hosted by UC Berkeley and TRUST Science and Technology
       This workshop serves as a forum for the W3C membership and
       the public to discuss the Consortium's next steps in the
       area of tracking protection and Web privacy. What have we
       learned from Do Not Track standardization and real-world
       implementations? Furthermore, undoubtedly support for
       privacy on the Web platform cannot end with Do Not Track:
       what should we look at next and beyond DNT?
     * 2013-03-12 (12 MAR) – 2013-03-13 (13 MAR)
       Making the Multilingual Web Work
       Rome, Italy
       Hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
       United Nations (FAO).
       The MultilingualWeb community develops and promotes best
       practices and standards related to all aspects of creating,
       localizing, and deploying the Web across boundaries of
       language. It aims to raise the visibility of existing best
       practices and standards for dealing with language on the
       Internet and on identifying and resolving gaps that keep
       the Internet from living up to its global potential.

W3C Blog

     * None. Read the W3C Blog Archives

Upcoming Talks

     * 2012-10-22 (22 OCT)
       Internationalization: An Introduction
       by Addison Phillips
       36th Internationalization and Unicode Conference
       Santa Clara, CA, USA
     * 2012-10-22 (22 OCT)
       Internationalizing the Kindle Paperwhite
       by Addison Phillips
       36th Internationalization and Unicode Conference
       Santa Clara, CA, USA
     * 2012-10-26 (26 OCT)
       End-to-end W3C API support
       by Alexandre Morgaut
       San Jose, CA, USA
     * 2012-11-08 (8 NOV)
       How recent approaches to metadata is improving the web
       by Olle Olsson
       J.Boye12 - Web & Intranet Conference
       Aarhus, Denmark
     * 2012-11-17 (17 NOV)
       End-to-end W3C API support
       by Alexandre Morgaut
       JS.everywhere(2012) Europe
       Paris, France
     * 2012-11-20 (20 NOV)
       Why HTML5?
       by Philippe Le Hégaret
       HTML5FEST 2012
       Kfar maccabiah, Ramat Gan, Israel
     * 2012-11-24 (24 NOV)
       HTML5 and CSS
       by Bert Bos
       Web Standards Days
       Moscow, Russia

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New Members

     * YarcData

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   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


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Received on Monday, 22 October 2012 22:27:30 UTC