W3C Public Newsletter, 2011-09-12

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2011-09-12 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Launches Work on “Do Not Track” Standards for the Web

   08 September 2011 | Archive


   Today, the World Wide Web Consortium announced a new
   standardization effort to improve user privacy on the Web. The
   Tracking Protection Working Group will create standards for "Do
   Not Track" technology by building consensus among a broad set
   of stakeholders, including browser vendors, content providers,
   advertisement networks, search engines, and experts in policy,
   privacy, and consumer protection. The Working Group, which
   first meets in two weeks, is charted to publish Do Not Track
   standards by mid-2012. The standards will let users express
   their tracking preferences and select which parties can track
   them online. Learn more about W3C's Privacy Activity and read
   the April 2011 Report from the W3C Workshop on Web Tracking and
   User Privacy, which was sponsored by Adobe, Yahoo!, Google,
   Mozilla, and Microsoft.


W3C Organizes Workshop on the Future of Offline Web Applications

   09 September 2011 | Archive


   The Web has rapidly evolved into a platform suitable for rich
   applications, but off-line use has remained one of the key
   missing elements that application developers require. To
   strengthen support for offline Web apps in the Open Web
   Platform, W3C is organizing a Workshop on the Future of Offline
   Web Applications on 5 November, hosted by Vodafone in Redwood
   City, CA. The Workshop is open to all at no cost, space
   permitting. Participants must submit a position paper by 30
   September 2011. Learn more about the Workshop.


CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 Draft Updated

   08 September 2011 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a
   Working Draft of "CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module
   Level 3." This CSS Image Values and Replaced Content module
   has two parts: First, it defines the syntax for image values in
   CSS. Second, it defines properties used to control the
   interaction of replaced content and the CSS layout algorithms.
   These properties can affect the used image resolution for
   bitmaps, the replaced object's orientation, and whether and how
   to preserve the object's aspect ratio. Learn more about the
   Style Activity.


W3C Launches New Web Application Security Working Group

   07 September 2011 | Archive


   Modern Web Applications may be governed by numerous security
   policies. Because there is no standard and shared mechanism for
   declaring and enforcing policies, it is not possible for sites
   to selectively declare the need to escape from some
   restrictions or to request enforcement of additional
   restrictions. W3C today launched the new Web Application
   Security Working Group, with a mission is to address security
   issues in modern web applications and mash-ups. The group will
   define lightweight policy expression mechanisms to tune the
   browser security model. The group will take up work based on
   the Content Security Policy specification, and will work on
   secure mash-up technologies including Cross-Domain Resource
   Sharing and UMP. W3C also launched today the Web Security
   Interest Group, a forum for discussions on improving standards
   and implementations to advance the security of the Web. Learn
   more about W3C's Security Activity.


Last Call: Web Storage; Web Workers

   06 September 2011 | Archive


   The Web Applications Working Group has published Last Call
   Working Drafts of "Web Storage" and "Web Workers." The former
   defines an API for persistent data storage of key-value pair
   data in Web clients. The latter defines an API that allows Web
   application authors to spawn background workers running scripts
   in parallel to their main page. This allows for thread-like
   operation with message-passing as the coordination mechanism.
   Comments are welcome through 27 September. Learn more about the
   Rich Web Client Activity.


Last Call: Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces

   06 September 2011 | Archive


   The Multimodal Interaction Working Group has published a Last
   Call Working Draft of "Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces"
   . This document describes a loosely coupled architecture for
   multimodal user interfaces, which allows for co-resident and
   distributed implementations, and focuses on the role of markup
   and scripting, and the use of well defined interfaces between
   its constituents. Comments are welcome through 27 September.
   Learn more about the Multimodal Interaction Activity.


CSS Values and Units Module Level 3 Draft Updated

   06 September 2011 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a
   Working Draft of "CSS Values and Units Module Level 3." This
   CSS3 module describes the various values and units that CSS
   properties accept. Also, it describes how values are computed
   from "specified" through "computed" and "used" into "actual"
   values. The main purpose of this module is to define common
   values and units in one specification which can be referred to
   by other modules. Learn more about the Style Activity.


W3C Web Services Standards Approved as ISO/IEC International

   06 September 2011 | Archive


   Today W3C and JTC1, a joint technical committee of ISO and IEC,
   announced formal approval of a package of W3C Web Services
   technologies as ISO/IEC International Standards. As ISO/IEC JTC
   1 Standards, these widely deployed technologies now benefit
   from formal recognition from national bodies, which will
   promote interoperability and reduce market fragmentation, thus
   benefiting all users. "This is good news for ensuring that
   people can use the Web anywhere, on any device," said Jeff
   Jaffe, W3C CEO. The package included eight specifications,
   including SOAP 1.2, MTOM, Addressing 1.0 and Policy 1.5, which
   are foundation specifications for message-based service
   technology that has been adopted by industry worldwide. Read
   the full press release and testimonials, and learn more about
   W3C's PAS Submitter status in the W3C PAS FAQ.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2011-09-19 (19 SEP) – 2011-09-20 (20 SEP)
       (Third) W3C Web and TV Workshop
       Hollywood, California
       Hosted and Sponsored by Comcast
       Following the success of its regional workshops in Tokyo,
       Japan and Berlin, Germany, the W3C will host a third
       workshop on Web and TV convergence in Hollywood, California
       on 19-20 September, 2011. In the previous two workshops,
       participants identified opportunities for convergence of
       Web and TV infrastructure and began identifying technical
       challenges. This third workshop will continue these
       efforts, with a particular focus on the needs of content
       creators and distributors.
     * 2011-09-21 (21 SEP) – 2011-09-22 (22 SEP)
       A Local Focus for the Multilingual Web
       Limerick, Ireland
       Co-located with the 16th LRC Conference and hosted by the
       University of Limerick
     * 2011-10-20 (20 OCT) – 2011-10-21 (21 OCT)
       W3C Workshop on Data and Services Integration
       Bedford, MA, USA
       Hosted by MITRE
       Integration of heterogeneous data and services has always
       been a concern for creators and managers of services. With
       the emergence of the Web, the need for reusing data and
       services has become even stronger as the number of
       available services has grown. Different services stacks now
       exist from Web Services to Cloud-based services.
       The goal of this Workshop is to bring together people with
       different ways of looking at the issues left unsolved by
       the existing stacks, to investigate the possible paths to
       help bridging services built using different paradigms, and
       to identify points where standardization would help
       integration of services and data.
     * 2011-11-05 ( 5 NOV)
       W3C Workshop on The Future of Off-line Web Applications
       Redwood City, CA, USA
       Hosted by Vodafone
       Off-line use of Web applications is one of the key missing
       elements from the Web platform that application developers
       require. The current fragmentation in this solution space
       is creating confusion among would-be WebApp developers and
       organizations who would otherwise invest in the Open Web
       Platform. This workshop will examine requirements that can
       be derived from the implementor and developer experiences,
       with the goal of informing future standardization efforts.

W3C Blog

     * "Do Not Track" standards for the Web: The work is starting.
       8 September 2011 by Thomas Roessler

Upcoming Talks

     * 2011-09-14 (14 SEP)
       CSS3 - nytt utseende på den moderna webben
       by Olle Olsson
       SUNIWEB 2011
       Linköping, Sweden
     * 2011-09-19 (19 SEP)
       The Business Case for Accessibility and Evaluating
       by Shawn Henry
       NFB Web Accessibility Training Day
       Baltimore, MD, USA
     * 2011-09-23 (23 SEP)
       Best practices in developping Mobile Web Apps
       by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
       Open World Forum
       Paris, France
     * 2011-09-26 (26 SEP)
       The Computer as Extended Phenotype
       by Steven Pemberton
       UX Week
       San Francisco, USA
     * 2011-10-14 (14 OCT)
       Table ronde des navigateurs
       panel features Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
       Paris Web 2011
       Paris, France
     * 2011-10-24 (24 OCT)
       Embracing Accessibility - Go for the Carrots
       keynote by Shawn Henry
       HighEdWeb 2011 conference
       Austin, TX, USA
     * 2011-11-10 (10 NOV)
       Web content vs Web applications - do we want information or
       by Olle Olsson
       J. Boye Aarhus 11
       Aarhus, Denmark

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About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


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Received on Monday, 12 September 2011 20:10:58 UTC