W3C Public Newsletter, 2011-04-11

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2011-04-11 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

Last Call: Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML) 1.0

   08 April 2011 | Archive


   The Multimodal Interaction (MMI) Working Group has published a
   Last Call Working Draft of "Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML)
   1.0." As the web is becoming ubiquitous, interactive, and
   multimodal, technology needs to deal increasingly with human
   factors, including emotions. The present draft specification of
   Emotion Markup Language 1.0 aims to strike a balance between
   practical applicability and basis in science. The language is
   conceived as a "plug-in" language suitable for use in three
   different areas: (1) manual annotation of data; (2) automatic
   recognition of emotion-related states from user behavior; and
   (3) generation of emotion-related system behavior. Learn more
   about the Multimodal Interaction Activity.


Vocabularies for EmotionML First Working Draft Published

   08 April 2011 | Archive


   The Multimodal Interaction (MMI) Working Group has published a
   First Public Working Draft of "Vocabularies for EmotionML."
   This document represents a public collection of emotion
   vocabularies that can be used with EmotionML to represent
   emotions and related states. It was originally part of an
   earlier draft of the EmotionML specification, but was moved out
   of it so that we can easily update, extend and correct the list
   of vocabularies as required. Learn more about the Multimodal
   Interaction Activity.


Grid Layout First Working Draft Published

   07 April 2011 | Archive


   The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a
   First Public Working Draft of "Grid Layout," which allows
   designers to define invisible grids of horizontal and vertical
   lines. Elements from a document can then be anchored to points
   in the grid, which aligns them visually to each other, even if
   they are not next to each other in the source. Learn more about
   the Style Activity.


Eight HTML5 Drafts Updated

   06 April 2011 | Archive


   The HTML Working Group published eight documents:

     * Working Drafts of the HTML5 specification, the accompanying
       explanatory document HTML5 differences from HTML4, and the
       related non-normative reference HTML: The Markup Language.
     * Working Drafts of the specifications HTML+RDFa 1.1 and HTML
       Microdata, which define mechanisms for embedding
       machine-readable data in HTML documents, and the
       specification HTML Canvas 2D Context, which defines a 2D
       immediate-mode graphics API for use with the HTML5
       <canvas> element.
     * HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives,
       which is intended to help authors provide useful text
       alternatives for images in HTML documents.
     * Polyglot Markup: HTML-Compatible XHTML Documents, which is
       intended to help authors produce XHTML documents that are
       also compatible with non-XML HTML syntax and parsing rules.

   Learn more about HTML5.


   More news: http://www.w3.org/News/archive


     * 2011-04-28 (28 APR) – 2011-04-29 (29 APR)
       Web Tracking and User Privacy
       Princeton, New Jersey
       Hosted by the Center for Information Technology Policy at
       Princeton University
       Tracking (e.g., for behavioral advertising) has come to the
       forefront recently as part of the overall Web privacy
       conversation in the broader Web and policy community.
       Several software vendors (including Microsoft, Mozilla, and
       Google) are offering measures that are intended to permit
       users to opt out of this tracking, or to prevent tracking
       by Web sites that are known to engage in these practices.
       Similar technology is deployed in a number of plugins
       (including NoScript, AdBlock plus, TACO, and
       PrivacyChoice). As part of ongoing efforts in the area of
       user privacy on the Web, W3C is organizing a Workshop on
       Web Tracking and User Privacy.
     * 2011-05-24 (24 MAY) – 2011-05-25 (25 MAY)
       Identity in the Browser
       Mountain View, CA, USA
       Hosted by Mozilla Foundation
       The Web is now critical infrastructure and, as such,
       requires mechanisms that foster trust. For critical
       enterprise activity, effective government engagement, and
       sensitive social information accessed over the Web, a
       higher level of identity assurance, privacy protection, and
       security is required, and client-side technologies like
       browsers have an important role to play. There is a
       pressing need for trustworthy, widely-applicable digital
       identity management. W3C is therefore organizing a Workshop
       on Identity in the Browser. Participants will investigate
       strategies to facilitate the development and deployment of
       improved identity authentication and authorization
       technologies across the Web. Also included in the workshop
       will be explorations into the operational, policy, and
       legal issues that must be addressed by the solutions.
     * 2011-06-03 ( 3 JUN) – 2011-06-05 ( 5 JUN)
       Federated Social Web Europe
       Berlin, Germany
       Hosted by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
       Social networking has transformed the Web. However, most
       Social Web applications today limit relationships to those
       with accounts in the same system. As with many other
       communications tools (telephone, email, Web) people will
       ultimately prefer Social Web applications without such
       barriers, where anyone can communicate seamlessly with
       anyone else, whatever application they are using. W3C will
       be exploring how to achieve "One Social Web" at Federated
       Social Web Europe.
     * 2011-06-04 ( 4 JUN) – 2011-06-05 ( 5 JUN)
       Mobile and Web Technologies in Social and Economic
       Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
       Jointly organized by the World Wide Web Foundation and W3C
       The Workshop on Mobile and Web Mobile Technologies in
       Social and Economic Development aims to understand the
       challenges associated with using mobile phones and Web
       technologies to deliver sustainable services for
       underprivileged populations in developing countries.

W3C Blog

     * Government Data Done Well and the Digital Agenda for Europe
       5 April 2011 by Thomas Roessler
     * Wiki-based documentation project
       4 April 2011 by Hiroki Yamada
     * Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-03-28 - 2011-04-03
       3 April 2011 by Karl Dubost

Upcoming Talks

     * 2011-04-14 (14 APR)
       WAI-ARIA: New Opportunities in Complex Formats
       by Michael Cooper
       Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar
       Stockholm, Sweden
     * 2011-04-14 (14 APR)
       Nieuwe typografie voor Web-applicaties – De nieuwste
       ontwikkelingen voor CSS Level 3 in W3C
       by Bert Bos
       University of Groningen, Department of Humanities Computing
       Groningen, The Netherlands
     * 2011-05-01 (1 MAY)
       Usability, accessibility and inter-operability standards
       for multimodal mobile healthcare and clinical trials
       ATA 2011: American Telemedicine Association 16th Annual
       Meeting and Exposition
       Tampa, USA
     * 2011-05-04 (4 MAY)
       HTML5: The technology for the upcoming web
       by Philippe Le Hégaret
       J. Boye - Philadelphia 2011
       Philadelphia, PA, USA
     * 2011-05-18 (18 MAY)
       The semantic web and its applications
       by Eyal Sela
       Tel Aviv, Israel
     * 2011-05-25 (25 MAY)
       Update on international web accessibility standards and
       support material
       by Shawn Henry
       Evolving Standards in Accessibility
       London, United Kingdom
     * 2011-05-25 (25 MAY)
       HTML5 & CSS3 in Practice
       by Daniel Davis
       WebVIsions 2011
       Portland, Oregon, USA
     * 2011-06-06 (6 JUN)
       Introduction to Semantic Web
       by Ivan Herman
       2011 Semantic Technology Conference
       San Francisco, CA, USA
     * 2011-06-07 (7 JUN)
       Introduction to RDFa
       by Ivan Herman
       2011 Semantic Technology Conference
       San Francisco, CA, USA
     * 2011-06-10 (10 JUN)
       HTML5: le nouveau visage du Web
       panel features Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
       E1 Saison 2
       La Seyne sur Mer, France

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   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international
   consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and
   the public work together to develop "Web standards." Read
   about W3C.


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Received on Monday, 11 April 2011 22:29:47 UTC