W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-01-26

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-01-26 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Advisory Committee Elects TAG Participants

   The W3C Advisory Committee has elected John Kemp (Nokia), Larry
   Masinter (Adobe), and T.V. Raman (Google) to the W3C Technical
   Architecture Group (TAG). Continuing TAG participants are Ashok
   Malhotra (Oracle), Noah Mendelsohn (IBM, appointed), Jonathan Rees
   (Science Commons, appointed), and Henry Thompson (U. of Edinburgh).
   The Director is expected to appoint one individual as well. The
   mission of the TAG is to build consensus around principles of Web
   architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when
   necessary, to resolve issues involving general Web architecture
   brought to the TAG, and to help coordinate cross-technology
   architecture developments inside and outside W3C.


Use Cases and Requirements for Ontology and API for Media Object 1.0

   The Media Annotations Working Group has published the First Public
   Working Draft of "Use Cases and Requirements for Ontology and API
   for Media Object 1.0." This document specifies use cases and
   requirements as an input for the development of the "Ontology for
   Media Object 1.0" and the "API for Media Object 1.0". The ontology
   will be a simple ontology to support cross-community data
   integration of information related to media objects on the Web. The
   API will provide read access and potentially write access to media
   objects, relying on the definitions from the ontology. Learn more
   about the Video in the Web Activity.


W3C Invites Implementations of CURIE Syntax 1.0

   The XHTML2 Working Group invites implementation of the Candidate
   Recommendation of "CURIE Syntax 1.0." This document defines a
   generic, abbreviated syntax for expressing URIs. This syntax is
   intended to be used as a common element by language designers. The
   intended audience for this document is Language designers, not the
   users of those Languages. Track implementations in an ongoing
   implementation report and learn more about the HTML Activity.


Future of Social Networking Workshop Begins

   Today began a 2-day Workshop on the Future of Social Networking,
   organized by W3C to explore the landscape of social networking
   technologies. Participants submitted 72 position papers on a wide
   range of topics regarding the growth and future of social
   networking, including, but not limited to, the mobile context. The
   meeting is hosted in Barcelona, Spain by Universitat Politècnica de
   Catalunya and ReadyPeople. Many thanks to the hosts and to Silver
   Sponsors Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Flock, and Peperoni for their

   Past home page news...


W3C Questions and Answers Blog 

No recent entries in the Q&A Blog.

Upcoming Meetings

     * W3C Workshop on Speaker Biometrics and VoiceXML 3.0 , 5-6 March
     * Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in
       Fostering Social and Economic Development, 1-2 April
     * More About Workshops...
     * W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks 

     * 29 January, Orlando, USA: Update on Accessibility Guidelines for
       Browsers, Media Players, Cell phones, PDAs and Other User
       Agents. Jeanne Spellman presents at Assistive Technology
       Industry Association Conference 2009.
     * 30 January, Orlando, USA: Web Accessibility Update 2009: WCAG
       2.0, WAI-ARIA, Section 508. Shawn Henry presents at Assistive
       Technology Industry Association .
     * 31 January, Orlando, USA: Accessible Social Networking and Web
       2.0 Content. Jeanne Spellman presents at Assistive Technology
       Industry Association.
     * 2 February, Denver, Colorado, USA: (TBD). Dan Connolly gives a
       keynote at Web Directions North.
     * 4 February, Malmö, Sweden: Standarder och Open Source. Olle
       Olsson presents at DFS-seminarium.
     * 6 February, Paris, France: World Wide Web 2010. Steve Bratt
       gives a keynote at Netexplorateur Forum 2009.
     * 12 February, Gijón, Spain: Innovative Uses of Mobile ICTs for
       Development. José Manuel Alonso participates in a panel at II
       International Meeting on ICT for Development Cooperation.
     * 25 February, Cambridge, MA, USA: W3C's Semantic Web in Heath
       Care and Life Sciences Interest Group. Lee Feigenbaum, Susie
       Stephens, Eric Prud'hommeaux give a tutorial at Conference on
       Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences (C-SHALS) .
     * 14 March, Austin, TX, USA: Making Web Widgets Accessible: Tools
       and Techniques. Michael Cooper participates in a panel at South
       by Southwest Conference.
     * 19 March, Los Angeles, CA, USA: The New WCAG 2: Web
       Accessibility Q&A with the Editors. Shawn Henry, Michael Cooper,
       Loretta Guarino Reid participate in a panel at CSUN
       International Technology and Persons with Disabilities
     * 19 March, Los Angeles, CA, USA: Towards a More Accessible
       Browser. Jeanne Spellman, Jim Allan present at CSUN Center on
       Disabilities 24th Annual International Technology and Persons
       with Disabilities Conference.
     * 21 March, Prague, Czech Republic: XML Processing and
       Choreography. Mohamed Zergaoui is at XML Prague 2009.
     * 27 March, Frankfurt, Germany: Mobile Access – Device-independent
       or Accessible. Dominique Hazaël-Massieux participates in a panel
       at European Accessibility Forum.
     * View upcoming talks by country
     * More talks...

W3C Membership

   W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
   Member-only announcements and other benefits.

   If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
   support W3C through a contribution.


About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
   where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
   together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

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   This edition on the Web:
   Latest Public Newsletter: http://www.w3.org/News/Public/

   Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 22:44:05 UTC