W3C Public Newsletter, 2007-09-11

Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2007-09-11 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Janet Daly, W3C Communications Team

GRDDL Standard Provides Bridge from Web Documents to the Semantic Web

   The World Wide Web Consortium today released "GRDDL" and "GRDDL Test
   Cases" as Recommendations. GRDDL enables authors to extract data
   from their documents automatically, enabling them to reuse their
   data and enrich it by connecting to the Semantic Web. Give the W3C
   GRDDL Service a try! Read the "GRDDL Primer," the press release and
   testimonials, and about the Semantic Web.


OWL Group to Refine and Extend Web Ontology Language

   W3C is pleased to announce the launch of the OWL Working Group. Ian
   Horrocks (Oxford University) and Alan Ruttenberg (ScienceCommons)
   chair the group which is chartered to produce a W3C Recommendation
   for an extended Web Ontology Language (OWL), adding a small set of
   extensions and defining profiles identified by users and tool
   implementers. W3C Members may use this form to join the Working
   Group. Read about Semantic Web.


Web Services Addressing Working Group Completes Work and Closes

   W3C is pleased to announce that the Web Services Addressing Working
   Group has successfully completed its work: the Web Services
   Addressing 1.0 "Core," "SOAP Binding" and "Metadata"
   Recommendations and a Working Group Note, "SOAP 1.1 Request Optional
   Response HTTP Binding." The core properties allow uniform
   addressing of Web services and messages, independent of the
   underlying transport. Read about Web services.


Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.1: Working Draft

   The Voice Browser Working Group released an updated Working Draft of
   "Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.1." Changes from
   the previous draft include the usage of XML 1.1 and IRIs, and the
   specification of voice selection and language speaking control.
   Version 1.1 improves on W3C's "SSML 1.0 Recommendation" by adding
   support for more conventions and practices of the world's languages.
   Visit the Voice Browser home page.


Last Call: XML Schema 1.1 Structures

   The XML Schema Working Group has released a Last Call Working Draft
   of "XML Schema 1.1 Part 1: Structures." Comments are welcome
   through 8 November. XML schemas define shared markup vocabularies,
   the structure of XML documents which use those vocabularies, and
   provide hooks to associate semantics with them. Simplifications and
   changes in this draft are to sections on rules for checking
   validity, "all" groups, the PSVI, conformance, fallback for lax
   validation, particles and wildcards, among other revisions. Visit
   the XML home page.


Note: POWDER Use Cases and Requirements

   The POWDER Working Group has released "POWDER: Use Cases and
   Requirements" as a Working Group Note. The document will guide the
   development of a way to attach small, easily-produced annotations to
   large collections of Web content. Web resources can then be
   retrieved, personalized and delivered in a variety of delivery
   contexts to meet both social needs for content labels and commercial
   requirements for content adaptation. Visit the Semantic Web home


SAWSDL Working Group Completes Work and Closes

   W3C is pleased to announce that the Semantic Annotations for WSDL
   Working Group has successfully completed its work: the W3C
   Recommendation "Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema"
   (SAWSDL) and its companion "Usage Guide." With SAWSDL, semantic
   annotations can be added to Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
   components for use in classifying, discovering, matching, composing
   and invoking Web services. Read about Web services.


Web Services Policy 1.5 Is a W3C Recommendation

   The World Wide Web Consortium today released Web Services Policy 1.5
   as a Recommendation. The Policy "Framework" defines a model for
   expressing the nature of Web services in order to convey conditions
   for their interaction. "Attachment" defines how to associate
   policies, for example within WSDL or UDDI, with subjects to which
   they apply. Read the press release, the testimonials and about the
   Web Services Policy Working Group and Web services.


Web Services Addressing Metadata Is a W3C Recommendation

   The World Wide Web Consortium today released "Web Services
   Addressing 1.0 - Metadata" as a Recommendation. The specification is
   used to indicate support for "Web Services Addressing 1.0" using
   "Web Services Policy 1.5" and defines how to express WS-Addressing
   properties in "WSDL." Read about the Web Services Addressing
   Working Group and about Web services.

   Past home page news...


Upcoming Meetings

     * Workshop on W3C's Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces, 16-17
     * W3C Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption,
       25-26 September
     * W3C/OpenAjax Alliance Workshop on Mobile Ajax, 28 September
     * W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases, 25-26
     * More About Workshops...
     * W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks 

     * 11 September, Santiago, Chile: Los retos del gobierno
       electrónico. José Manuel Alonso presents at Evento de
       Interoperabilidad de Gobierno electrónico.
     * 19 September, Potsdam (near Berlin), Germany: W3C und W3C World
       Offices. Klaus Birkenbihl presents at Deutschland und China -
       Innovationspartner in der Informationstechnologie.
     * 19 September, London, United Kingdom: Will W3C Mobile Web Best
       Practices Help End Fragmentation of Standards and Enable a
       Coherent Web Experience?. Philipp Hoschka participates in a
       panel at Informa Mobile Web 2.0 Conference.
     * 20 September, Québec, Canada: HTML 5 - l'édition des draveurs.
       Karl Dubost presents at Rencontre autour de HTML 5.
     * 21 September, Lisbon, Portugal: The Future of the World Wide
       Web. José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote at 4th EU Ministerial
       eGovernment Conference.
     * 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: New Aspects of InkML for
       Pen-Based Computing. Stephen M. Watt presents at International
       Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR).
     * 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: Streaming-Archival InkML
       Conversion. Stephen M. Watt, Birendra Keshari present at
       International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
     * 26 September, Berlin, Germany: Mobile Web 2.0. Philipp Hoschka
       presents at W3C-Tag 2007 - Rich Internet Applications.
     * 26 September, Sydney, Australia: CSS. Bert Bos gives a lecture
       at Web Directions South / W3C SIG Day.
     * 27 September, Sydney, Australia: Web Directions breakfast. Bert
       Bos presents at Web Directions South.
     * 27 September, Sydney, Australia: A new life for old standards.
       Bert Bos presents at Web Directions South.
     * 3 October, Gijón, Spain: Browser panel. Bert Bos participates in
       a panel at Fundamentos Web 2007.
     * 3 October, New York, New York, USA: Web Demand: How Financial
       Services Can Leverage Emerging Web Technologies. Steve Bratt
       presents at IT/Networking Trends & Technology and Solutions.
     * 10 October, Paris, France: The increasing importance of Open Web
       Standards to improve eGovernment. José Manuel Alonso presents at
       eGovInterop '07.
     * 17 October, Madrid, Spain: Semantic Web: a Short Introduction.
       Ivan Herman presents at “Webelopers Day” of the Internet NG
     * 17 October, Madrid, Spain: How to make the most out of
       eGovernment. José Manuel Alonso presents at “Webelopers Day” of
       the Internet NG Conference.
     * 18 October, Darmstadt, Germany: Wege zum Semantischen Web. Klaus
       Birkenbihl presents at 4. Kongress Semantic Web und
     * 19 October, Orlando, FL, USA: Making the Future Web Accessible
       to People with Disabilities. Shawn Henry presents at "I Invent
       the Future" Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2007.
     * 22 November, Hangzhou, China: What is the Semantic Web?. Ivan
       Herman presents at Zheijiang University.
     * View upcoming talks by country
     * More talks...

W3C Membership

   W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
   Member-only announcements and other benefits.

   If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
   support W3C through a contribution.


New Members

     * Metatomix inc [United States]

About W3C

   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
   where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
   together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

Contact Us

   Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see past
   issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public
   Newsletter by email. If you no longer wish to receive the
   Newsletter, send us an unsubscribe email. Comments? Write the W3C
   Communications Team (w3t-comm@w3.org).


   This edition on the Web:
   Latest Public Newsletter: http://www.w3.org/News/Public/

   Copyright © 2007 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2007 21:57:06 UTC