W3C Weekly News - 27 May 2005

                            W3C Weekly News

                         13 May - 26 May 2005

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SMIL 2.1 Is a W3C Candidate Recommendation

  W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of the "Synchronized
  Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.1)" to Candidate
  Recommendation. Comments are welcome through 15 June. SMIL
  (pronounced "smile") puts animation on a time line, allows
  composition of multiple animations, and describes animation
  elements for any XML-based host language. Version 2.1 extends
  SMIL 2.0. It supports enhanced interactive multimedia presentations,
  reuse of SMIL syntax and semantics, and new mobile profiles. Visit
  the synchronized multimedia home page.


Working Group Note: SSML say-as Attribute Values

  The Voice Browser Working Group has released "SSML 1.0 say-as attribute
  values" as a Working Group Note. The note provides definitions for the
  interpret-as, format and detail attributes that cover many of the most
  common uses for the say-as element in the Speech Synthesis Markup
  Language. Visit the Voice Browser home page.


Representing Specified Values in OWL

  The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment (SWBPD) Working Group
  has released "Representing Specified Values in OWL: 'value partitions'
  and 'value sets'" as a Working Group Note. Produced by the Ontology
  Engineering and Patterns Task Force, the note describes two methods for
  representing descriptive features in the OWL Web Ontology Language:
  partitions of classes and enumerations of individuals. Visit the
  Semantic Web home page.


W3C Talks

  * Dominique Hazaël-Massieux presents "Bridging XHTML, XML and RDF
    with GRDDL" on 26 May, Hugo Haas presents "The messaging framework
    for Web sevices" on 26 May, and Max Froumentin presents
    "The Multimodal Web" on 27 May, all at XTech 2005 in Amsterdam,
    the Netherlands.

  * Daniel Dardailler presents "W3C Overview and its Patent Policy" at
    Standards, Open Standards and Interoperability on 26 May in Sophia
    Antipolis, France.

  * Najib Tounsi, W3C Morocco Office, presents "Les standards W3C du Web
    au service de l'accessibilité pour tous" and Shadi Abou-Zahra
    presents "Components of Web Accessibility" at ICT & Disability on
    27 May in Tunis, Tunisia.

  * Oreste Signore, W3C Italian Office, presents "Le linee guida per
    l' accessibilità e il ruolo dell' Ufficio Italiano W3C" at Entrata
    Libera on 31 May in Florence, Italy.

  * Tim Berners-Lee gives a keynote at W3C10 Europe on 3 June in Sophia
    Antipolis, France.

  * Oreste Signore, Franco Chesi, and Maurizio Pallotti present
    "E-Government: Challenges and Opportunities" at CMG Italia - XIX
    Convegno Annuale on 9 June in Florence, Italy.

  * Steven Pemberton presents "W3C XForms: improving the user experience
    with accessible, device-independent e-forms" at The First Euro
    Conference on Mobile Government on 10 June in Brighton, UK.

  * Klaus Birkenbihl, W3C German and Austrian Office, gives the keynote
    "Technologien für die Zukunft des Web"  at the Infopark Internet
    Congress on 13 June in Berlin, Germany.

  * Oreste Signore presents "Verso il Web of Trust" at Etica di Internet
    on 17 June in Rome, Italy.

  * Ivan Herman presents "Questions (and Answers) on the Semantic Web,"
    Klaus Birkenbihl presents "The Work of W3C," and Thomas Baker presents
    "Report from the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices Working Group" at
    W3C and the Semantic Web on 20 June in Vienna, Austria.

  * Steve Bratt presents "Toward a Web of Data and Programs" at Global
    Data Interoperability - Challenges and Technologies on 23 June in
    Sardinia, Italy.

   Browse upcoming W3C appearances and events, also available as
   an RSS channel.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is 373 Member organizations and 68
Team members leading the Web to its full potential. W3C is an international
industry consortium jointly run by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the USA, the European Research
Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) headquartered in France,
and Keio University in Japan. The W3C Web site hosts specifications,
guidelines, software and tools. Public participation is welcome. W3C
supports universal access, the semantic Web, trust, interoperability,
evolvability, decentralization, and cooler multimedia. For information
about W3C please visit http://www.w3.org/
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Received on Thursday, 26 May 2005 23:26:22 UTC