W3C Weekly News - 10 May 2004

                                W3C Weekly News

                              4 May - 10 May 2004

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W3C Markup Validator Upgraded

   W3C is pleased to announce an upgrade to the W3C Markup Validation
   Service. The new release is easier to use and install. It features new
   documentation and navigation, and offers helpful explanations and
   recovery mechanisms instead of fatal errors. Managed by a team of
   volunteers and the W3C Quality Assurance Activity, and supported by a
   large community, this validator is the single most popular resource on
   the W3C Web site. Read the announcement.


Working Drafts: Authoring Techniques for XHTML and HTML Internationalization

   The GEO (Guidelines, Education and Outreach) Task Force of the
   Internationalization Working Group has published three First Public
   Working Drafts. The drafts cover "Specifying the Language of Content,"
   "Characters and Encodings" and "Handling Bidirectional Text." Designed
   for content authors, the documents are aids to ensuring that HTML and
   XHTML are written for an international audience. Visit the
   Internationalization home page.


Working Draft: The QA Handbook

   The Quality Assurance (QA) Working Group has released the First Public
   Working Draft of "The QA Handbook." Written for W3C Working Group
   Chairs and Team Contacts, the document replaces and incorporates the
   best features of the former QA Framework's Introduction and Operational
   Guidelines. It provides techniques, tools, and templates for test
   suites and specifications, and is designed to facilitate and accelerate
   the work of W3C Working Groups. Visit the QA home page.


Working Draft: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.2

   The SVG Working Group has released the seventh public Working Draft of
   "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.2." The SVG language delivers
   accessible, dynamic, and reusable vector graphics, text, and images to
   the Web in XML. The Working Group invites comments on this draft. Visit
   the SVG home page.


Working Group Note: DOM Assessment for Multimodal Interaction

   The Multimodal Interaction Working Group has released the "Requirements
   and Capabilities Assessment" for the Document Object Model (DOM) as a
   Working Group Note. Based on their framework. the Multimodal
   Interaction Activity is extending the Web user interface to allow
   multiple modes of interaction: aural, visual and tactile. The document
   examines interfaces between modality components and their host
   environment. Visit the Multimodal Interaction home page.


W3C Talks in May (continued)

   * Max Froumentin presented "Giving Voice To The Web" at the W3C
     Seminar at DSTC, IIB, Brisbane, Australia on 4 May and at the
     National Library of Australia, Canberra on 7 May.

   * Massimo Marchiori gives a keynote at CRIS 2004, the 7th
     International Conference on Current Research Information Systems,
     in Antwerp, Belgium on 15 May.

   * The W3C Team presents the W3C Track chaired by Marie-Claire Forgue
     at the Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2004)
     in New York, NY, USA on 19-21 May.


   Browse upcoming W3C appearances and events, also available as
   an RSS channel.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is 367 Member organizations and 68
Team members leading the Web to its full potential. W3C is an international
industry consortium jointly run by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the USA, the European Research
Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) headquartered in France,
and Keio University in Japan. The W3C Web site hosts specifications,
guidelines, software and tools. Public participation is welcome. W3C
supports universal access, the semantic Web, trust, interoperability,
evolvability, decentralization, and cooler multimedia. For information
about W3C please visit http://www.w3.org/
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Received on Monday, 10 May 2004 15:28:04 UTC