CALL FOR PAPERS- UM 2003: 9th International Conference on User Modeling

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UM 2003: 9th International Conference on User Modeling

June 22 to June 26, 2003
University of Pittsburgh Conference Center
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA


The International User Modeling Conferences are the events at which
foundations are being laid for the personalization of computer systems.
the last 15 years, the field of User Modelling has produced significant
theories and methods to analyze and model computer users in short and
long-term interactions. A user model is an explicit representation of
properties of individual users or user classes. It allows the system to
adapt its performance to user needs and preferences. Methods for
personalizing human-computer interaction based on user models have been
successfully developed, applied and evaluated in a number of domains,
as information filtering, e-commerce, adaptive natural language and
hypermedia presentation and tutoring systems.

New trends in HCI create new and interesting challenges for User
While consolidating results in traditional domains of interest, the User
Modeling field now also addresses problems of personalized interaction
mobile, ubiquitous and context-aware computing and in user interactions
embodied, autonomous agents. It also considers adaptation to user
and affective states. Previous successes in User Modeling research
the cooperation of researchers in different fields, including artificial
intelligence, human-computer interaction, education, cognitive
and linguistics. The International User Modeling Conferences are
characterized by active participation of people from these areas and by
lively discussions in a pleasant environment. UM 2003 is the latest in a
conference series begun in 1986, and follows recent meetings in
(2001), Banff (1999), Sardinia (1997), Hawaii (1996) and Cape Cod
(1994). As
in past conferences, UM03 offers the following forms of participation:
tutorials, invited talks, paper and poster sessions, a doctoral
workshops and system demonstrations.

AREAS OF INTEREST  include, but are not limited to:

*  theoretical issues of user modeling:
    inference techniques (neural networks, numerical uncertainty
logic-based formalisms, machine learning); consistency checking;
*  construction of user models:
    contents of user and student models (including knowledge, beliefs,
goals, plans, attitudes, personalities and emotions);
    observation of users' behavior,  user modeling agents; user modeling
mobile systems;
*  exploitation of user models to achieve:
    adaptive information filtering and retrieval, personalized natural
language understanding and generation,    delegation of tasks from user
system, adaptation of tutorial strategies;
*  applications of user modeling techniques:
    teaching systems, on-line help environments, e-commerce, adaptive NL
hypermedia generation, embodied conversational agents, support of
collaboration, support of users with special needs;
*  practical issues of user modeling: privacy, security, evaluation.


November 11, 2002 - preliminary workshop proposals
November 18, 2002 - papers
November 25, 2002 - posters
November 25, 2002 - final workshop proposals
November 25, 2002 - tutorial proposals
January 25, 2003 - Doctoral Consortium submissions


Michael Pazzani, Information and Computer Science, University of
Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Laboratory
Kurt VanLehn, Computer Science Department, University of Pittsburgh


Papers and Posters:

Submissions are invited that describe original academic or industrial
research on some aspect of user modeling. Following the past User
conferences, the proceedings of UM'2003 will be published by
in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS). The paper and
poster submissions should follow as close as possible the Springer LNCS
format and should be submitted electronically as PDF or Postscript
For instructions on the LNCS paper format, see

The page limit is 10 pages for paper submissions and 3 pages for
Please indicate whether the first (or main) author is a student to
for the best student award. Detailed submission instructions will be
available from the conference web site.

Workshops and Tutorials

The purpose of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for
practitioners and researchers to discuss novel applications and
of user modeling. The formats of the workshops will be determined by
organizers, who are encouraged to foster discussion and exchange of
ideas by
including mechanisms other than traditional paper presentations,
differentiating their workshops clearly from typical conference
All workshops will last either one-half day or (preferably) a full day.

The purpose of a tutorial is either to offer an introduction to a fairly
broad topic for newcomers to user modeling or to enable experienced
participants to deepen their knowledge of a more specific topic. Each
tutorial will last one-half day. Detailed submission instructions for
workshop proposals and tutorials will be available
from the conference web site

Doctoral Consortium

Continuing a tradition that started in 1994, the UM Doctoral Consortium
to provide qualified Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present
on-going research to the UM community. The Doctoral Consortium is a
forum to receive useful feedback from a knowledgeable audience, to
ideas, compare approaches and meet fellow researchers in the field.
Submissions should describe Ph.D. research that is at a stage where
from the broader UM community might be of value.  Thus, we expect
to be close to make their research proposal, or to have made it but have
least a year of work remaining before completion of their thesis.

Submissions must be a maximum of three pages (including references) and
should clearly specify: (i) the problem(s) that the proposed research is
addressing (ii) the main contribution(s) of the research to the UM field
(iii) the proposed solution(s), including a brief description of work
already done and a tentative plan for future
work. Detailed submission instructions will be available from the
web site


Following UM conference series practice, UM'03 conference will be held
the Conference Center at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
( The center is tucked into 650 acres of
beautiful woodlands in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania, a region
known for its hiking, biking, and whitewater opportunities as well as
several world-class attractions such as Frank Lloyd Wright's


Conference Chair:
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Albert Corbett, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Fiorella de Rosis, University of Bari, Italy

Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:
Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware, USA
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Canada

Workshop Co-Chairs:
Frank Wittig, Saarland University, Germany
Anthony Jameson, DFKI, Germany

Program Committee:
David Albrecht, Australia
Liliana Ardissono, Italy
Mathias Bauer, Germany
Sandra Carberry, USA
Noelle Carbonell, France
Keith Cheverst, UK
David Chin, USA
Cristina Conati, Canada
Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, USA
Brad Goodman, USA
Haym Hirsh, USA
Kristina H=F6=F6k, Sweden
Eric Horvitz, USA
Anthony Jameson, Germany
Judy Kay, Australia
Alfred Kobsa, USA
Antonio Krger, Germany
Diane Litman, USA
Gordon McCalla, Canada
Kathleen McCoy, USA
Antonija Mitrovic, New Zealand
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Japan
Helen Pain, UK
Cecile Paris, Australia
Barry Smyth, Ireland
Constantine Stephanidis, Greece
Carlo Tasso, Italy
Julita Vassileva, Canada
Gerhard Weber, Germany
Ingrid Zukerman, Australia

Local Advisory Committee:
Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University
Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon University
Jack Mostow, Carnegie Mellon University

Publicity Chair:
Ayse Goker, The Robert Gordon University, UK


Chair: Peter Brusilovsky
School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
135 North Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel.: +1 (412) 624 9404

UM03 is being organized under the auspices of User Modeling, Inc. The
of sponsors currently includes Microsoft, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
James Chen Family.



Received on Thursday, 31 October 2002 10:59:52 UTC