W3C Weekly News - 21 December 2001

                             W3C Weekly News

                     18 December - 21 December 2001

MIT Scheduled Power Outage 21-23 December

   21 December 2001: On Friday, 21 December, power at the MIT Laboratory
   for Computer Science (LCS) will be turned off at approximately 9:00
   p.m. EST (2:00Z 22 December) to complete retooling of the building's
   power configuration. All services will be suspended and the site will
   be accessible in a read-only state. Mail sent to W3C archives will be
   queued, and posted when the power is restored. Power is expected to
   return by 7:00 a.m. EST Sunday, 23 December (12:00Z 23 December).
   We apologize for the inconvenience.

Wombat Working Draft Published

   21 December 2001: The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working
   Group has released the first public Working Draft of "Authoring Tool
   Accessibility Guidelines" known as "Wombat." The guidelines are for
   developers who wish to design authoring tools that produce accessible
   Web content and who wish to create accessible authoring interfaces.
   Comments are welcome. Visit the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative.


CSS TV Profile Working Draft Published

   21 December 2001: As part of the W3C Style Activity, the CSS Working
   Group has released the first public Working Draft of "CSS TV Profile
   1.0." The draft is a subset of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Level 2
   tailored to the needs and constraints of TV devices such as
   interactive television sets that display their output on a television
   screen. Comments are welcome. Visit the CSS home page.


XSL Transformations (XSLT) 2.0 Working Draft Published

   20 December 2001: As part of the W3C Style Activity, the XSL Working
   Group has released the first Working Draft of "XSL Transformations
   (XSLT) Version 2.0." XSLT is a stylesheet language for transforming
   XML documents into other XML documents. It is often used to produce
   HTML and XHTML and application-specific message formats. Visit the
   XSL home page.


XQuery, XPath Working Drafts Published

   20 December 2001: The W3C XML Query Working Group and the XSL Working
   Group have released several Working Drafts. XQuery is a computer
   language designed to return information to users or their agents, and
   is applicable to many types of XML data sources from documents to
   databases, search engines, and object repositories. Derived from
   XPath 1.0 and XQuery, XPath is a language used to address parts of an
   XML document. Today's publications include:

   * "XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language" and "XML Path Language
     (XPath) 2.0" are the result of integrating the XQuery and XPath
     languages. These drafts are in large part identical.

   * "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model" is the data model for XSLT
     2.0, XQuery, and other specifications that reference it.

   * Two joint task forces from the XML Query, XML Schema, and XSL
     Working Groups produced "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and
     Operators," designed to be read in conjunction with the data model,
     XPath 2.0, XQuery, and XSLT 2.0.

   * In addition, the XML Query group released "XML Query Use Cases."

Character Model Working Draft Published

   20 December 2001: The W3C Internationalization Working Group has
   released an interim Working Draft of the "Character Model for the
   World Wide Web 1.0," recording their progress. This document provides
   authors of specifications, software developers, and content
   developers a common reference for interoperable text manipulation.
   Please hold comments until the second Last Call. Read about W3C work
   on internationalization.


CC/PP Implementors Guides Published

   20 December 2001: The Composite Capability/Preference Profiles
   (CC/PP) Working Group has released CC/PP Implementors Guides as a W3C
   Note, "Harmonization with Existing Vocabularies and Content
   Transformation Heuristics," and a Working Draft of "Privacy and
   Protocols" for a future Note. CC/PP is a user-side hardware,
   software, and user preferences profile. Comments are welcome. Read
   about the W3C Device Independence Activity.


Modularization of XHTML in XML Schema Published

   19 December 2001: The W3C HTML Working Group has released a Working
   Draft of "Modularization of XHTML in XML Schema." The draft provides
   a complete set of XML Schema modules for XHTML, and a framework for
   extending and modifying XHTML. Read about the W3C HTML Activity on
   the HTML home page.


WebCGM Second Release Becomes a W3C Recommendation

   18 December 2001: The World Wide Web Consortium published "WebCGM 1.0
   Second Release" as a W3C Recommendation. The second release is not a
   new version; it brings WebCGM up to date with the first release
   errata. A joint effort of W3C and the CGM Open Consortium, WebCGM is
   an interoperable way to exchange dynamic Computer Graphics Metafile
   (CGM) files over the Web. The WebCGM Profile adds hyperlinking to
   graphics-rich applications such as interactive electronic manuals for
   engineering and manufacturing. Read more about WebCGM.


Amaya 5.3 Released

   18 December 2001: Amaya is W3C's Web browser and authoring tool.
   Version 5.3 supports annotations on annotations and discussion
   threads, handles multiple profiles, and includes new English
   documentation by WinWriters and other new features. Download Amaya
   binaries for Linux and Windows. Source code is available. If you are
   interested in annotations, visit the Annotea home page.


Four SOAP 1.2 Working Drafts Published

   18 December 2001: The XML Protocol Working Group has released four
   Working Drafts: SOAP Version 1.2 in three parts, "Part 0: Primer,"
   "Part 1: Messaging Framework," and "Part 2: Adjuncts," as well as the
   first Working Draft of "XML Protocol Usage Scenarios." Publicly
   developed, SOAP is a data transfer protocol designed for information
   exchange on the Web, using XML as its encapsulation language. Visit
   the XML Protocol home page.


RDF/XML Syntax Working Draft Published

   18 December 2001: The RDF Core Working Group has released a Working
   Draft of "RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)." The document
   updates the grammar in the "Resource Description Framework (RDF)
   Model and Syntax Specification" and is now based on the XML Infoset
   and RDF Model Theory. Read about the Semantic Web Activity.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is 510 Member organizations and 69
Team members leading the Web to its full potential. W3C is an international
industry consortium jointly run by the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
(MIT LCS) in the USA, the National Institute for Research in Computer
Science and Control (INRIA) in France, and Keio University in Japan. The
W3C Web site hosts specifications, guidelines, software and tools. Public
participation is welcome. W3C supports universal access, the semantic Web,
trust, interoperability, evolvability, decentralization, and cooler
multimedia. For information about W3C please visit http://www.w3.org/
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Received on Friday, 21 December 2001 18:47:07 UTC