Fraud alert

Dear Sir,

somebody used the site for trying to make any wrong transaction. If you were contacted by this person, just ignore it. It is not serious.

answer sent to the users + text sent to the users.

"Dear Seller, 

Thank you so much for your swift reply.I will like you to know the present working condition of the item.Its ok.Well let us seal this transaction.My client is ready to buy the item.So he wants to send down a check for it.I will like you to send down your information so that the check can be despatched immediately.Mind you the check shall also include the amount needed to capacitate shipping of the item so you will be required to help transfer the shipping amount after the check has cleared the bank.Please respond and send down your contact details and your name so that the check can be sent please also include your phone numbers,Home and Mobile number."

"> I am michel .I am a consultant for numerous clients.I have been 
> informed by one of my clients that he is interested in aquiring your 
> vehicle the Abbruch-, Abriß-, Sortiergreifer .I would like you to please 
> contact me and inform me if it is still available for sale.I would like to 
> know its up to date condition.
> Please Respond on time." matériel BTP d’occasion  engin TP, camion Gebrauchte Baumaschinen, used construction equipment
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Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2006 21:43:42 UTC