Re: New links for process document and patent policy starting on June 17


As mentioned last week, the patent policy and process document have been
move under /policies:
* proxy to
* proxy to

As a reminder, the old links redirect to the new ones and until we
update respec and bikeshed, you can still use them in TR documents.

Best regards,


On 14/06/2024 14:23, Denis Ah-Kang wrote:
> Hi all,
> As part of our URLs strategy and following an issue raised by Fantasai
> [1], we are planning to move the latest versions of the patent policy
> and process document under /policies/ on *Monday, June 17*, i.e.:
> * instead of
> * https://www.w3.rog/policies/process/ instead of
> The dated links will also move under the same directory.
> Note that old versions of the links will redirect to the new ones and we
> will keep accepting these on TR documents.
> Later on, I will submit PRs to respec and bikeshed to update the links
> but this should be transparent for the users.
> Also, if you rely on the W3C API, these links will also be updated.
> I'm not aware of any tools checking these links but if you are concerned
> it might break some, please let me know and I'll get in touch with the
> maintainers.
> Best regards,
> Denis
> [1]

Received on Monday, 17 June 2024 07:10:11 UTC