[ReSpec] - Transition Your Specs to Support Dark Mode

Hi ReSpec users,

ACTION REQUIRED: Please transition your specs to support dark mode. Details on enabling it below! 

Recent updates to the W3C default stylesheet have introduced support for a "dark mode" stylesheet. However, many legacy specs use custom styles, which has made it impractical to switch all specs by default. 

During this transitional period, we are asking all editors to ensure their specs are compatible with dark mode. In the latest ReSpec release, all you need to do is add the following line to the <head> section of your document:

<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark”>

Please then switch to "dark mode" in your operating system and check that your spec looks okay!

We are hoping to enable dark mode support by default on all specs in 2025-2026. Help us make that transition as smooth as possible and make sure your readers are getting the best possible experience!

Any issues, please reach out.

Kind regards,
Marcos and Sid

Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2024 03:15:34 UTC