Disable certain classes from automatic processing


I am getting in touch because this is mentioned to be the primary method of support for ReSpec on the GitHub page.

I am currently trying to integrate ReSpec with a music notation renderer (Verovio, https://www.verovio.org/index.xhtml). This tool renders music notation to SVG.

The problem I'm experiencing is that it applies the `.note` class to SVG `<g>` elements that represent notes, which ReSpec then interprets as its own `.note` class and inserts markup around it.

Is there any way to limit ReSpec's parsing of a given section so that I can mark any elements where the SVG will be rendered with an "ignore this" class so that it does not try to parse the SVG?

I have found the ".exclude" and ".ignore" classes, but these seem to only work on specific elements that do not make sense for my markup. 

Any pointers or suggestions for next steps would be appreciated!

Thank you,
-Andrew Hankinson

Received on Friday, 12 August 2022 11:21:27 UTC