ClearSpec: representing implementation in W3C technical reports

Hi All,

As part of the W3C's "ClearSpec project" [1], one of the goals is to 
help the community understand the level of implementation of a 
specification ("Document and inform about the level of adoption of 
various documents").

Bikeshed displays information from WPT and MDN, for example:  (WPT test results) (MDN data)

Similarly, ReSpec displays information from MDN and Caniuse, for example: (caniuse) (MDN data)

Various considerations and trade-offs ave been going into those tools.

I can imagine several questions around this information:
     - are we using the right information and at the right level and for 
the right audience?
     - are we representing the information in the most optimal way?
     - what about engine coverage, such as mobile results? (WTP tests 
results don't cover mobile)
     - Are we ok with this information appearing in documents published 
at ?
     - Are we confident about the test coverage and if it meaningfully 
represents feature support?

Note: we're using the Spec Editors Community Group to have those 
discussions [2].

Feedback and comments are most welcome. If folks would like to get a 
virtual call to discuss, I'm happy to organize one.



Received on Thursday, 3 March 2022 00:17:34 UTC