Re: exporting xml elements to xref from respec?

Hi Ivan,

------ Original message ------
From: "Ivan Herman" <>
To: "spec-prod" <>
Cc: "Matt Garrish" <>
Date: 13/04/2022 17:42:24

>The respec documentation says that one can export term definitions (ie, 
>terms in an <dfn> element) by adding the class "export". So far so good 
>and it works. However, it is not clear from the respec documentation 
>whether the same class can be used to export an xml element defined in 
>some xml application (or, for that matter, a json name in a json 
>structure). Is there a way to do that?
I'm not sure I understand what "an xml element defined in some xml 
application" is. If that is not "an xml element that a spec defines", 
could you share an example?

`<dfn>` can be used to define any kind of terms, including xml elements, 
json property names, values, etc. The `class="export"` mechanism will 
work for all of them.

The spec should make the definition type of a term explicit. ReSpec can 
determine the definition type automatically for IDL terms. It will need 
help for other types of terms, otherwise it will just fall back to a 
generic `dfn` type. The `data-dfn-type` attribute allows spec authors to 
specify the type. The ReSpec documentation seems a bit outdated on that 
attribute as it only mentions the generic `dfn` and `idl` values [1]. A 
more complete list, which I think ReSpec also supports, can be found in 
BikeShed's documentation [2].

In your case, for an xml element, you would use 
`data-dfn-type="element"`, which Matt seems to have added recently to 
the EPUB 3.3 spec. That seems all good to me.



Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 08:17:23 UTC