Proposed Correction extension for ReSpec?

TL;DR: There is a new ReSpec extension available for people authoring
specifications that contain Verifiable Credential examples. The structure of
this extension might be useful for the new Process 2021 proposed correction
stuff and this email explores that possibility.

The Verifiable Credentials extension to the ReSpec document authoring
environment enables specification authors to express simple examples of
credentials in their specification which are then enhanced by this extension
to show the digitally signed forms of the Verifiable Credential in different
tabs in the PRE.example blocks.

You can read more about the tool here:

Or if you want to just play around with an example, you can do that here:

The structure of what's going on here is very similar to what I think we want
for the Proposed Correction stuff... multiple tabs showing "before", "after",
and "diff view".  What I need to know is:

1. Do others think that's the sort of thing we are looking

2. Is this an addition to ReSpec's code base, or a
   separate extension, and if so, is this[1] the right
   model to follow?

3. I expect there are accessibility/print issues with
   actively hiding/showing tabs... any pointers there?

4. Is this how a ReSpec extension should inject styles
   into the document?

5. Is this how a ReSpec extension should inject
   code into the document?

6. Is there a better way to get "default CSS colors for
   things" than this?

7. Should this be a global? How should people export
   things we want postProcess to call?

8. Do we have a favoured Javascript-based diff'ing
   library we want to use?

If folks feel like this is a useful path, I'm happy to take a cut at an
extension that makes candidate/proposed corrections easier for spec editors.
I'm also happy to stand aside and let the experts address the issue. :)

-- manu


Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Sunday, 21 November 2021 19:45:31 UTC