Re: On the new header style

Hi Fuqiao,

Clearly there are two communities that each have their reasons why they want the headers expanded or not by default…

> On 9 Oct 2021, at 06:49, Fuqiao Xue <> wrote:
> IMHO we should expand the header by default, for the same reason as fantasai said in . However, I also agree that "More details about this document" is a bit strange as a label and can be refined.
> In I see that the preference seems to be saved in the localStorage.

what does that mean for us mere mortals? Does it mean that, by some magic, I can register my local preference? (I do not see this now.) This would, obviously, be a good solution.


> In addition, the new header style generated by ReSpec seems to make some documents in the i18n WG unable to work properly. See for an example. I don't have time to look into where the problem is for now, though.
> Thanks,
> Fuqiao
> On 2021-10-08 19:58, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Marcos, PlH
>> I do like the new header style generated by respec with the detail
>> element. However, there’s something strange about the “More
>> details about this document” label when the content is already
>> expanded when one opens the document. Wouldn't it be more logical to
>> set the detail element to not expanded by default?
>> (I was not sure whether this is a respec choice or a default choice
>> for the 2021 style, that is why I have put this on the mailing list
>> and not a respec issue.)
>> Also, an absolutely bike-shedding level comment, I found the "More
>> details about this document" a bit strange as a label, and also a
>> mouthful. Wouldn't it be better to simply say "About this document"?
>> Thanks
>> Ivan
>> ----
>> Ivan Herman, W3C
>> Home:
>> mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

Ivan Herman, W3C 
mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

Received on Saturday, 9 October 2021 10:48:22 UTC