TPAC demo video on Reffy

Hi spec fans,

Reffy [1] is the spec crawling and processing tool that powers Webref 
data updates [2]. In turn, Webref is used to maintain Web IDL tests in 
Web Platforms Tests, Web IDL types in TypeScripts, and the 
cross-reference database in ReSpec.

As part of TPAC demos released this week, I recorded a short video to 
showcase how Reffy can be used as a command-line interface tool, which I 
thought some of you might be interested to look at:

The video intends to demonstrate how you may now tame Reffy to run a 
custom spec processing module of your own, so as to extract specific 
info from Web specifications. This can typically be used to answer 
questions such as:

- How to find all spec editors in my company? (this was discussed on 
this mailing-list some time ago, see [3])
- Can I create useful extracts to map normative statements in specs to 
implementation code? (see discussion in [4])
- Which specs don't follow the [insert some automatically testable 
guideline here] guideline?

It could also be used to compute plenty of useful or dubious statistics, 
such as:
- What is the average length of an abstract?
- How many sections does a table of contents typically have?
- How many links, examples, illustrations, notes, etc.?

Let us know if you find bugs. Also, we'd love to know if you actually 
make use of it for something!



Received on Friday, 8 October 2021 15:32:42 UTC