Re: Citing academic papers in RefSpec documents

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019, at 20:16, Antonin Delpeuch wrote:
> I would like to cite academic papers in a RefSpec document. I could use
> the existing citation system but it seems to be geared towards citing
> other specs only.
> The localBiblio option lets us define custom references but its fields
> follow SpecRef's format, which is again designed to cite specs and not
> other things. For instance, academic papers tend to have a DOI (Digital
> Object Identifier) and I would like to include that in the citation as
> it is common practice.

Academic papers are increasingly cited in specs, notably on topics such as privacy and security.

I’d be more than happy to make sure this is done properly by adding the relevant fields to the specref data model.

On the presentation side, this will have to be handled by ReSpec and Bikeshed.

What data would you need, specifically, and what would the presentation look like?

Received on Monday, 11 November 2019 19:38:01 UTC