Re: [Restyle] Auto hyphenation can make the spec ambiguous

On February 13, 2018 at 2:17:21 PM, Chris Lilley ( wrote:
> A bug was raised against a CSS specification, because it seemed as if a
> hyphen was allowed in a keyword ("open-type" as well as "opentype").
> It turned out not to be a bug in the grammar but to be introduced by the
> styling. Furthermore, that bug is in base.css and thus affects all W3C
> specs, not just CSS WG ones.
> The rule in question is
> body { hyphens: auto}
> Hyphenation is fine in general, but not when it alters the technical
> content of a specification.

Probably best to file the above here:

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2018 04:16:08 UTC