[Project Review] Node.js primer, 15 December 2016

Dear W3C Team, Chairs, Group participants,

We are having a Project Review to introduce Node.js this Thursday. 
Please see more details below:

Title: Node.js primer
Presenter: Antonio and/or Denis
Date: 15 December, 2016
Time: 09:00 Boston/08:00 Chicago/06:00 Whistler/14:00 London/15:00 
Paris/22:00 Beijing/23:00 Tokyo
Duration: ~1 hour
Scribe: TBD
Slides: will be shared in advance
Prerequisites: basic knowledge of programming (any lang); installing 
Node.js in advance recommended, but not necessary

This is a simple Node.js introduction for those who have not written 
their helloworld in Node yet, or for those who are still a bit confused 
and want to have the big picture. We'll explain the basics, the main 
pieces: JavaScript runtime, Node API, npm, what Node is useful for, pros 
& cons of Node. We'll show very simple examples of applications and 
modules written for Node, and participants can copypasta and run the 
code on their computers as we go. Finally, we will provide useful 
pointers to learn more, and encourage you to get started by contributing 
to some of W3C's simplest Node projects on GitHub.

* Logistics:
- IRC: #node
   Meeting number (access code): 649 180 886
   Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number

Please feel free to forward this message to any groups or people who 
might be interested in attending.

We look forward to your participation very much!

Warm Regards,

Received on Monday, 12 December 2016 14:35:08 UTC