Re: ReSpec: linter

On July 15, 2016 at 5:05:14 AM, ( wrote:
> On 14/07/2016 14:13, Shane McCarron wrote:
> > BTW I have suggested we also add some a11y checking to this. I don't
> > yet know what that will be. I am asking the APA and ARIA groups for
> > input on it. But I wonder if there shouldn't also be a check for an
> > a11y considerations section. I have raised an issue against specberus
> > to discuss that with the relevant players. [1] Please feel free to
> > comment here or against that issue.
> Perhaps we could check for some basic i18n stuff too. For example:
> - html tag should have lang attribute

We default this to "en" if missing.

> - char encoding must be present and must be utf-8

Can check with: "document.charset", so doable.

> - char encoding must be within 1024 bytes of page start

We got bit by this recently, so we now move the the meta@charset to be
first child in the head on save... so, at least, generated files won't
have any issues.

> - meta content-language should not be used

Yeah, easy one. Have you seen any spec do this?

> - xml:lang attributes should not appear in the page

W3C doesn't publish XHTML anymore, so this one probably won't matter.

Good suggestions. The "document.charset === 'utf-8'" is probably the
lowest hanging fruit.

Received on Friday, 15 July 2016 06:08:49 UTC