Re: ReSpec updated

On Thu, 10 Mar 2016, at 20:38, Michael Cooper wrote:
> I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound
      entitled, but recognize that the wording of my message does sound
      that way. I know Respec is a volunteer project made available for
      free. I would like to be able to contribute and share the load,
      but it uses a technology I just don't have skills in. So I have to
      depend on the people who do maintain it, to do so carefully. I
      think this whole recent episode shows the need to be careful with
      a production version, and to engage more people in review of
      development versions. Though I can't produce useful pull requests,
      I could provide useful input on something that I'm not depending
      on urgently for publication, but haven't known how to engage with
      that process. Michael
Apologies accepted. :)
I do think the team is quite aware that this update happened in less
than ideal conditions (though again, I can't speak on their behalf).

It might be worth discussing solutions to easily switch to a previous
stable version in case the latest release has bugs which block you from
publishing (I think Shane kind of informally set something of that sort
up recently).

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2016 19:49:30 UTC