Re: ReSpec: Intent to depracate XHTML 1.0 save support

On June 1, 2016 at 2:17:56 AM, Michiel Bijl ( wrote:
> > On 16 May 2016, at 14:55, Shane McCarron wrote:
> >
> > It has an XHTML 1 version.
> But it has another version? Would it be feasible to forward the xhtml 1 version to some
> other version?

My (terribly limited) understanding is that RDFa is tied to xhtml 1
instead of xhtml 5, because there is no modern schema that one can
validate xhtml+rdfa against. Otherwise, it would be possible to
publish xhtml5+rdfa documents.

Shane, is that correct?

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2016 04:54:33 UTC