Re: ReSpec and how it gets used

On Wed, 11 May 2016, at 21:31, Shane McCarron wrote:
>  1. Would it be reasonable to provide some diagnostic information
>     about the user agent when we make a request to specref (so that we
>     can do analysis on usage)?  Maybe only the first time a specific
>     document is requested (e.g., set a cookie)?
I don't really want to get into the business of gathering user data (not
to mention being compliant with EU cookie laws). I also don't think this
would help us very much to identify non-W3C scenarios, as those  don't
necessarily rely on the Specref.
To answer your question more directly, I think you should cater to the
community you want to grow and not try to be everything to everyone.

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 20:09:28 UTC