Re: W3C Updates General Document License - 30-Day Grace Period for Small Pubrules Change

On 06/02/2015 22:48 , Ian Jacobs wrote:
> We have also updated pubrules to remove the phrase "All rights
> reserved” from the copyright statement. Through 8 March 2015, editors
> may publish documents that conform to either the old or new text.
> After that the Webmaster will ask for the updated copyright
> statement.

ReSpec has been updated, this will ship with the next release. I presume 
someone will handle this for Specberus?

Question: how does this affect dual-CC-BY specifications that have a 
"Some Rights Reserved: this document is dual-licensed" mention?

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 6 February 2015 22:52:33 UTC