Fixes for UD stylesheet

The UD stylesheet, at
<>, needs a few fixes.

1. Per the thread at
the @media aural {} block is deprecated, as are all the properties
used in it.  Replace it with:

@media speech {
  h1, h2, h3 { voice-stress: moderate; }
  .hide { speak: none; }
  p.copyright { voice-volume: x-soft; voice-rate: x-fast; }
  dt { pause-before: 63ms; }

2. There are multiple lines in the CSS documented as being solely to
"fix" *extremely* ancient browsers, which have zero usage today.  We
should remove them.  Specifically, all of the following lines can be

a img { color: white; }        /* trick to hide the border in Netscape 4 */
@media all {                   /* hide the next rule from Netscape 4 */
  a img { color: inherit; }    /* undo the color change above */

th, td { /* ns 4 */
  font-family: sans-serif;

@media screen {  /* hide from IE3 */
a[href]:hover { background: #ffa }

p {
  margin-top: 0.6em;
  margin-bottom: 0.6em;
dt, dd { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 } /* opera 3.50 */

pre, code { font-family: monospace } /* navigator 4 requires this */

  list-style: disc; /* Mac NS has problem with 'none' */

3. I have no idea what's intended to be styled by the .content rule.
The other stylesheets don't reference a .content element.  This
accidentally hits an element added to headings by Bikeshed right now,
and puts a confusing-looking watermark on them.  This rule should
either be removed, or shifted to style the <body> or something.


Received on Friday, 9 January 2015 23:16:56 UTC