Re: [NEW!] Mailing list and tracker devoted to pubrules development

Since there is YA issue regarding WHATWG references and publications 
([1]), rather than use the new obscure list with single-digit membership 
for related discussions, please close the new list and use 
public-w3process instead.

The w3process group already has a related Tracker product for these issues:

Details on Product Publication Rules (aka PubRules)

* Issue-71: Define PubRules for WHATWG references

* Issue-73: Pub Rules' rules, maintenance, evolution, etc. should be 
transparent and Public

-Thanks, AB

[1] <>

On 1/21/14 3:23 PM, ext Ian Jacobs wrote:
> Spec-prod and chairs,
> In response to a request from Art Barstow, I've created:
>   - a public mailing list for pubrules development. Note: issues may arise on other lists as well (e.g., spec-prod or chairs list).
>     The new list can be a public forum where pubrules developers can work on new features or bug proposals without creating
>     too much noise on the other lists.
>     Here's the archive for the new list:
>   - a public issue tracker around pubrules requests
> These resources are linked from:
>    About pubrules:
>    which is linked from:
>    and Editors home page:
> Ian
> --
> Ian Jacobs <>
> Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 24 March 2014 16:57:18 UTC