Re: Some thoughts on a new publication approach

On 29/10/2013 16:17 , Simon Sapin wrote:
> Ideally, each spec would have a link to a web-browsable view of its
> source repository, where every revision ever published can be viewed and
> the files served with a proper Content-Type header.

Yes. I think that if we transition to the proposed approach, we can make 
that happen too. But I don't want it to be a blocker because I don't 
think that full browsability from the W3C side is required for v0. 
(There are also resource issues to consider, a spider going through all 
the history of a long and complex draft would likely use up 
non-negligible resources.)

> For example:
> Richard, would that help?
> Admittedly, this needs to be more discoverable. Also, unfortunately,
> GitHub insist of sending everything as text/plain for its "raw" view.
> helps, but we may want something more robust.

Right, for the time being we can rely on existing stuff.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2013 15:22:30 UTC