ReSpec 3.2

Hi all,

if you're a ReSpec user, please pay attention to this message!

I am about to release ReSpec 3.2, which is a fairly major change. I've 
run a fair number of tests (from the test suite and additional ones) and 
it appears to be behaving well, but you never know.

I initially wanted to make an RC at a different URL, but the extent of 
the changes are such (notably the new UI stuff and how it is lazily 
loaded) that that's not easily possible.

After the release I have a list of specs that I know to be using ReSpec 
that I will go through to triple check that all is fine. But just in 
case, I'd appreciate if you could check at your end too. At the first 
sign of trouble I'll back the changes out.

Such major changes are rare (the last one was 3.0, 20 months ago). The 
next ones in the 3.2 series will be small and incremental as usual.

Things that have changed:

   • The most user-visible change is that there is now a UI in the top 
right corner. It features a button that when pressed shows a drop-down 
menu of things that can be done. Right now that list is limited but the 
modules that implement the functionality in the drop-down are loaded 
lazily which means that we can add functionality there without worrying 
about code size (notably linting).

Next to the ReSpec button are two pills that appear when there are 
errors (red) or warnings (orange). Clicking them opens the list of 
issues that ReSpec has noticed while running.

Error detection has been improved a lot in conjunction with this. This 
ought to help with the many cases of "it isn't working" bug reports when 
the error messages used to be in the JS console.

In addition to saving, which is still accessible as Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S, 
errors can be opened as Ctrl-Alt-Shift-E and warnings as Ctrl-Alt-Shift-W.

Overall the UI can be made prettier — input welcome. I also suspect that 
it may have some A11Y issues which I want to iron out ASAP.

   • If the browser supports it, the saving dialog now uses the download 
attribute on <a> to trigger a real download of the generated output, as 
"Overview.html". For browsers that don't support that yet, you can 
nevertheless right click the button and save link as. In both cases this 
is faster than the previous methods.

   • Code size is down another 10K, now at 44% of the original.

   • The legacy module has been completely removed (work that started 
with 3.0). All of the useful functionality in it is now available in 
proper new generation modules, most notably a new core/biblio module.

   • We no longer need to do weird things with JSON-P and <script> 
elements, all is loaded cleanly as JSON. In theory this means that we 
should be able to make the biblio parts fully asynchronous (which could 
have a very positive impact on perceived performance).

   • The functions that generate snapshots are now exposed on core/utils 
and can be called at will.

   • simple-node, a small library I wrote from the days before jQuery, 
has been almost eliminated. It is now only used by 
core/webidl-oldschool. I also removed everything from it that wasn't 
needed for that (e.g. namespace support).

   • Note that several of the above changes combined completely 
eliminate the "berjon" (JS) namespace that used to exist. If you have 
some really dirty hacks that tap straight into the internals that's the 
first error you're likely to get.

   • We've upgraded to the latest RequireJS (notably for building). More 
notable, we now use jQuery 2.0. That drops support for some of the older 
IEs; I don't think it'll be an issue for this usage.

   • Testing has been made more correct in several cases.

Share and enjoy!

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 18 October 2013 12:19:51 UTC