Re: Removing XHTML saving from ReSpec?

On 2013-02-25 18:08, Shane McCarron wrote:
> There are elements in HTML5 that are not present in earlier versions
> of HTML.  To the extent those elements have semantics non-modern user
> agents will not be able to faithfully reproduce those semantics.  The
> section element is a perfect example.  IE6 will not know what to do
> with a section element.  Screen readers will not know what to do with

Sorry, but I don't believe that readability in IE6 should concern us a lot.

Old screen readers will ignore it, which IMHO gets you exactly the same 
result as not using it in the first place.

> it.  Textual document processors such as the Perl module HTML::Tree
> will also fail to properly interpret the element.  Over time these

Is that the case? Has a bug been reported?

> sorts of things will hopefully become less important, but today they
> remain issues.

Best regards though totally unconvinced, Julian

Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 17:15:22 UTC