Re: Removing XHTML saving from ReSpec?

On 25/02/2013 12:43 , Karl Dubost wrote:
>> 2) the DOCTYPE is one of the XHTML ones
> Not understanding this one :)
> <!DOCTYPE html> will work perfectly with WF XML

Yes, but I don't know if it works for the variety of things that people 
do with this. More specifically, it used to be that we couldn't include 
RDFa outside of XHTML because it wouldn't validate (and therefore not 
pass pubrules). If this hasn't changed, I would suspect that the above 
DOCTYPE is also wrong for this case (since most XHTML validators tend to 
"dumbly" use a DTD instead of proper validation techniques).

>> 3) RDFa somehow seems to depend on this
> which is the goal of "HTML+RDFa 1.1"

*If* this is supported in validation and *if* it matches what people are 
doing with RDFa in specs. That's an unknown for me.

Note that if I implement the above changes we are effectively chucking 
XHTML out (since XHTML requires specific DOCTYPEs) and replacing it with 
polyglot HTML5.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 12:09:35 UTC