Re: Publication Request Form / System

Gregg and I put together what is generated now.  I would be happy to
augment it in any way.  It's good stuff - and a powerful argument for the
simplicity of RDFa.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Alexandre Bertails <> wrote:

> On 06/20/2013 02:45 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> On Jun 20, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Alexandre Bertails <> wrote:
>>  On 06/20/2013 12:38 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>>>> On Jun 20, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Alexandre Bertails <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  On 06/20/2013 12:03 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Alexandre Bertails <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>  On 06/20/2013 10:37 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, folks-
>>>>>>>> I have a suggestion for our publication workflow that I think would
>>>>>>>> provide clarity and consistency: a publication request form.
>>>>>>> Already in the pipe, partially implemented and Webmaster-only for now
>>>>>>> as development is making progress and priorities are sorted out. But
>>>>>>> that's clearly the plan for the future.
>>>>>>>> This would be a form that contains all the fields needed for each
>>>>>>>> stage
>>>>>>>> of the publication process, including spec name, shortname(s), URLs
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> Editor's Draft and TR draft, abstract, WG name, WG approval to
>>>>>>>> publish,
>>>>>>>> planned publication date, news-item blurb, optional list of changes,
>>>>>>>> notes (for anything out of the ordinary), etc.
>>>>>>> Believe me, you don't to fill these values by hand, it's highly
>>>>>>> error-prone. There is currently a service that "extracts" some of the
>>>>>>> informations from the spec, but it's a bit buggy and does not capture
>>>>>>> everything. The long-term alternative is to make the metadata
>>>>>>> available directly in the spec, could be generated by ReSpec and
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> tools directly. That's fairly easy, except for editors which must be
>>>>>>> bound to the database. This one would be easy if people can agree on
>>>>>>> using URLs to speak about the editors, though.
>>>>>> If the doRDFa variable is set (to "1.1", I believe) in the
>>>>>> respecConfig, it ends up generating good RDFa for all of this stuff in the
>>>>>> spec. It's been optional, and only included in a couple of specs from
>>>>>> RDF-related specs AFAIK. It seems to me that there's really no downside to
>>>>>> making this the default (perhaps with an option to turn it off). This would
>>>>>> make extracting such information from the specs themselves much less error
>>>>>> prone.
>>>>> That's interesting. I've never looked carefully at what is generated
>>>>> by ReSpec there. Can you please point me at a recent spec embedding
>>>>> some RDFa? I can have a quick sense about how much work there would be
>>>>> to make it usable on our side.
>>>>> Alexandre.
>>>> Look in the latest version of RDFa 1.1 Core, for example. For me, this
>>>> yields the following:
>>> Thanks, that's already a good start. If I'm not mistaken, important
>>> information is missing though, like the type of spec (REC). Also,
>>> we'll need to find a way to have stable identifiers (URLs) for the
>>> editors. That was an issue with the previous version of tr.rdf.
>> Spec type would be really useful, it could as an extra type in addition
>> to bibo:Document.
>> The subject of the document should probably be based on it's version URL,
>> and not the document location to. Moreover, we may want to use a fragid for
>> the document, to avoid HTTP range-14 discussions. For example:
>> @base <**REC-rdfa-core-20120607/<>>
>> .
>> <#this> a bibo:Document, w3c:Recommendation;
>>    dcterms:title "RDFa Core 1.1";
>>    ...
> For historical reasons, it would not be <#this> but <>.
>> (just made up w3c:Recommendation, perhaps there's an existing vocabulary
>> for recommendation types.)
> It's**rec54#REC<>. The full vocabulary is there. It's the one used in tr.rdf.
> Alexandre.
>> Gregg
>>  Alexandre.
>>>> @prefix bibo: <**bibo/<>>
>>>> .
>>>> @prefix dcterms: <> .
>>>> @prefix foaf: <> .
>>>> @prefix rdf: <**rdf-syntax-ns#<>>
>>>> .
>>>> @prefix xhv: <**vocab#<>>
>>>> .
>>>> @prefix xsd: <**XMLSchema#<>>
>>>> .
>>>> <> a bibo:Document;
>>>>     dcterms:title "RDFa Core 1.1";
>>>>     dcterms:abstract """Abstract
>>>>        The current Web is primarily made up of an enormous number of
>>>> documents
>>>>          that have been created using HTML. These documents contain
>>>> significant
>>>>          amounts of structured data, which is largely unavailable to
>>>> tools and
>>>>          applications. When publishers can express this data more
>>>> completely, and
>>>>          when tools can read it, a new world of user functionality
>>>> becomes
>>>>          available, letting users transfer structured data between
>>>> applications
>>>>          and web sites, and allowing browsing applications to improve
>>>> the user
>>>>          experience: an event on a web page can be directly imported
>>>> into a
>>>>          user's desktop calendar; a license on a document can be
>>>> detected so that
>>>>          users can be informed of their rights automatically; a photo's
>>>> creator,
>>>>          camera setting information, resolution, location and topic can
>>>> be
>>>>          published as easily as the original photo itself, enabling
>>>> structured
>>>>          search and sharing.
>>>>        RDFa Core is a specification for attributes to express
>>>> structured data
>>>>          in any markup language. The embedded data already available in
>>>> the
>>>>          markup language (e.g., HTML) can often be reused by the RDFa
>>>> markup, so
>>>>          that publishers don't need to repeat significant data in the
>>>> document
>>>>          content. The underlying abstract representation is RDF
>>>> [RDF-PRIMER],
>>>>          which lets publishers build their own vocabulary, extend
>>>> others, and
>>>>          evolve their vocabulary with maximal interoperability over
>>>> time. The
>>>>          expressed structure is closely tied to the data, so that
>>>> rendered data
>>>>          can be copied and pasted along with its relevant structure.
>>>>        The rules for interpreting the data are generic, so that there
>>>> is no
>>>>          need for different rules for different formats; this allows
>>>> authors and
>>>>          publishers of data to define their own formats without having
>>>> to update
>>>>          software, register formats via a central authority, or worry
>>>> that two
>>>>          formats may interfere with each other.
>>>>        RDFa shares some of the same goals with microformats
>>>>          Whereas microformats specify both a syntax for embedding
>>>> structured data
>>>>          into HTML documents and a vocabulary of specific terms for each
>>>>          microformat, RDFa specifies only a syntax and relies on
>>>> independent
>>>>          specification of terms (often called vocabularies or
>>>> taxonomies) by
>>>>          others. RDFa allows terms from multiple independently-developed
>>>>          vocabularies to be freely intermixed and is designed such that
>>>> the
>>>>          language can be parsed without knowledge of the specific
>>>> vocabulary
>>>>          being used.
>>>>        This document is a detailed syntax specification for RDFa, aimed
>>>> at:
>>>>          those looking to create an RDFa Processor, and who therefore
>>>> need a
>>>>            detailed description of the parsing rules;
>>>>          those looking to integrate RDFa into a new markup language;
>>>>          those looking to recommend the use of RDFa within their
>>>>            organization, and who would like to create some guidelines
>>>> for their
>>>>            users;
>>>>          anyone familiar with RDF, and who wants to understand more
>>>> about
>>>>            what is happening 'under the hood', when an RDFa Processor
>>>> runs.
>>>>         For those looking for an introduction to the use of RDFa and
>>>> some
>>>>          real-world examples, please consult the [RDFA-PRIMER].
>>>>          How to Read this Document
>>>>          First, if you are not familiar with either RDFa or RDF, and
>>>>            simply want to add RDFa to your documents, then you may find
>>>> the RDFa
>>>>            Primer [RDFA-PRIMER] to be a better introduction.
>>>>          If you are already familiar with RDFa, and you want to examine
>>>> the
>>>>            processing rules — perhaps to create an RDFa Processor —
>>>> then you'll
>>>>            find the Processing Model section of most
>>>>            interest. It contains an overview of each of the processing
>>>> steps,
>>>>            followed by more detailed sections, one for each rule.
>>>>          If you are not familiar with RDFa, but you are familiar
>>>>            with RDF, then you might find reading the Syntax
>>>>              Overview useful, before looking at the Processing
>>>>              Model since it gives a range of examples of markup that use
>>>>            RDFa. Seeing some examples first should make reading the
>>>> processing
>>>>            rules easier.
>>>>          If you are not familiar with RDF, then you might want to take
>>>> a look
>>>>            at the section on RDF Terminology
>>>>            before trying to do too much with RDFa. Although RDFa is
>>>> designed to
>>>>            be easy to author — and authors don't need to understand RDF
>>>> to use it
>>>>            — anyone writing applications that consume RDFa will need to
>>>>            understand RDF. There is a lot of material about RDF on the
>>>> web, and a
>>>>            growing range of tools that support RDFa. This document only
>>>> contains
>>>>            enough background on RDF to make the goals of RDFa more
>>>> clear.
>>>>          RDFa is a way of expressing RDF-style
>>>>            relationships using simple attributes in existing markup
>>>> languages
>>>>            such as HTML. RDF is fully internationalized, and permits
>>>> the use of
>>>>            Internationalized Resource Identifiers, or IRIs. You will
>>>> see the term
>>>>            'IRI' used throughout this specification. Even if you are
>>>> not familiar
>>>>            with the term IRI, you probably have seen the term 'URI' or
>>>> 'URL'.
>>>>            IRIs are an extension of URIs that permits the use of
>>>> characters
>>>>            outside those of plain ASCII. RDF allows the use of these
>>>> characters,
>>>>            and so does RDFa. This specification has been careful to use
>>>> the
>>>>            correct term, IRI, to make it clear that this is the case.
>>>>            Even though this specification exclusively
>>>>            references IRIs, it is possible that a Host Language will
>>>>            restrict the syntax for its attributes to a subset of IRIs
>>>>            (e.g., @href in HTML5).  Regardless of
>>>>            validation constraints in Host Languages, an RDFa Processor
>>>>            is capable of processing IRIs.
>>>>      """;
>>>>     dcterms:issued "2012-06-07T05:00:00+0000"^^**xsd:dateTime;
>>>>     dcterms:language "en";
>>>>     dcterms:publisher [ a foaf:Organization;
>>>>       foaf:homepage <>;
>>>>       foaf:name "World Wide Web Consortium"];
>>>>     dcterms:references <**
>>>> REC-html401-19991224 <>>,
>>>>       <>,
>>>>       <**doc/qnameids-2004-03-17<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdf-concepts-20040210<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdf-primer-20040210/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdf-syntax-19990222<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdf-testcases-20040210<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**NOTE-rdfa-primer-20120607<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdfa-syntax-20081014<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**ittf/**PubliclyAvailableStandards/**
>>>> c052348_ISO_IEC_19757-2_2008(**E).zip<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**downloads/SAX/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**TeamSubmission/turtle/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**widgets-uri-20110927<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xhtml11-20010531<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xml-20081126/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xmlschema11-1-20120405/<>
>>>> >;
>>>>     dcterms:replaces <**
>>>> rdfa-core-20120508/ <>
>>>> >;
>>>>     dcterms:requires <**
>>>> REC-owl2-overview-20091027/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-owl2-profiles-20091027/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-owl2-rdf-based-semantics-**
>>>> 20091027/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdf-mt-20040210<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-rdf-syntax-grammar-**20040210<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**rfc2119.txt<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**rfc3987.txt<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xhtml-rdfa-20120607/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xml-names-20091208/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xml-20060816/<>
>>>> >,
>>>>       <**REC-xmlschema11-2-20120405/<>
>>>> >;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#abstract>,
>>>>       <#sotd>,
>>>>       <#toc>,
>>>>       <#s_motivation>,
>>>>       <#s_Syntax_overview>,
>>>>       <#s_rdfterminology>,
>>>>       <#conformance>,
>>>>       <#s_syntax>,
>>>>       <#s_curies>,
>>>>       <#s_model>,
>>>>       <#s_rdfaindetail>,
>>>>       <#s_initialcontexts>,
>>>>       <#s_vocab_expansion>,
>>>>       <#s_datatypes>,
>>>>       <#vocabulary>,
>>>>       <#a_history>,
>>>>       <#a_acks>,
>>>>       <#references>;
>>>>     bibo:editor ([ a foaf:Person;
>>>>         foaf:mbox <>;
>>>>         foaf:name "Ben Adida"] [ a foaf:Person;
>>>>         foaf:mbox <mailto:mark.birbeck@**<>
>>>> >;
>>>>         foaf:name "Mark Birbeck"] [ a foaf:Person;
>>>>         foaf:homepage <>;
>>>>         foaf:mbox <>;
>>>>         foaf:name "Shane McCarron"] [ a foaf:Person;
>>>>         foaf:homepage <**Ivan/<>
>>>> >;
>>>>         foaf:mbox <>;
>>>>         foaf:name "Ivan Herman"]);
>>>>     bibo:subtitle "Syntax and processing rules for embedding RDF
>>>> through attributes";
>>>>     xhv:license <**
>>>> Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright<>
>>>> >;
>>>>     xhv:stylesheet <**StyleSheets/TR/W3C-REC<>>
>>>> .
>>>> <#web-service-output-graph-**preference> bibo:affirmedBy <
>>>> .
>>>> <#T-IRI-reference> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#a-description-of-rdfa-in-**rdf-terms> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#a_acks> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#a_history> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#major-differences-with-rdfa-**syntax-1.0> .
>>>> <#abstract> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#how-to-read-this-document> .
>>>> <#accessing-the-processor-**graph> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-07-01#**resolution_1<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue] .
>>>> <#attribute_roles> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#chaining-with--property-and-**-typeof> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#changing-the-evaluation-**context> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#setting-the-current-subject> .
>>>> <#compact-uri-expressions> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#conformance> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#processorconf>,
>>>>       <#hostlangconf>,
>>>>       <#xmlrdfaconformance> .
>>>> <#determining-the-subject-**with-neither--about-nor--**typeof> a
>>>> bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#inheriting-subject-from--**resource>,
>>>>       <#inheriting-an-anonymous-**subject> .
>>>> <#evaluation-context> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#examples> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#general-use-of-curies-in-**attributes> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#graphs> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#hostlangconf> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#how-to-read-this-document> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#incomplete-triples> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#informative-references> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#inheriting-an-anonymous-**subject> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#inheriting-subject-from--**resource> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#iri-object-resolution> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#using--resource-to-set-the-**object>,
>>>>       <#using--href-or--src-to-set-**the-subject>,
>>>>       <#incomplete-triples> .
>>>> <#language-tags> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#list-generation> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#major-differences-with-rdfa-**syntax-1.0> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#markup-fragments-and-rdfa> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#normative-references> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#object-resolution> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#object-resolution-for-the--**property-attribute>,
>>>>       <#iri-object-resolution> .
>>>> <#object-resolution-for-the--**property-attribute> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#plain-literals-1>,
>>>>       <#typed-literals-1>,
>>>>       <#s-xml-literals> .
>>>> <#overview> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#plain-literals> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#plain-literals-1> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#language-tags> .
>>>> <#processor-graph-reporting> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#processor-graph-terms> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#processor-status> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#accessing-the-processor-**graph>,
>>>>       <#processor-graph-terms>;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-07-15#**resolution_1<>>]
>>>> .
>>>> <#processorconf> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#rdfa-attributes> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#references> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#normative-references>,
>>>>       <#informative-references> .
>>>> <#s-xml-literals> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#s_Completing_Incomplete_**Triples> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#s_Syntax_overview> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#rdfa-attributes>,
>>>>       <#examples> .
>>>> <#s_blankNodes> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-10-21#**resolution_3<>>]
>>>> .
>>>> <#s_chaining> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#s_curieprocessing> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#scoping-of-prefix-mappings>,
>>>>       <#general-use-of-curies-in-**attributes>,
>>>>       <#s_terms>,
>>>>       <#use-of-curies-in-specific-**attributes>,
>>>>       <#s_blankNodes>;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-07-01#**resolution_3<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-05-20#**resolution_2<>>]
>>>> .
>>>> <#s_curies> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#why-curies-and-not-qnames> .
>>>> <#s_datatypes> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#xml-schema-definition>,
>>>>       <#xml-dtd-definition> .
>>>> <#s_expansion_control> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#s_vocab_guidelines> .
>>>> <#s_initialcontexts> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-10-21#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-10-21#**resolution_2<>>]
>>>> .
>>>> <#s_model> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#overview>,
>>>>       <#evaluation-context>,
>>>>       <#s_chaining>,
>>>>       <#s_curieprocessing>,
>>>>       <#s_sequence>,
>>>>       <#processor-status>,
>>>>       <#vocabulary-expansion> .
>>>> <#s_motivation> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#s_rdfaindetail> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#changing-the-evaluation-**context>,
>>>>       <#s_Completing_Incomplete_**Triples>,
>>>>       <#object-resolution>,
>>>>       <#list-generation> .
>>>> <#s_rdfterminology> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#statements>,
>>>>       <#triples>,
>>>>       <#T-IRI-reference>,
>>>>       <#plain-literals>,
>>>>       <#typed-literals>,
>>>>       <#turtle>,
>>>>       <#graphs>,
>>>>       <#compact-uri-expressions>,
>>>>       <#markup-fragments-and-rdfa>,
>>>>       <#a-description-of-rdfa-in-**rdf-terms> .
>>>> <#s_sequence> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-07-22#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-07-22#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-07-22#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-01-13#**ISSUE__2d_62__3a____40_prefix_**
>>>> processing_order<>
>>>> >,
>>>>         <**rdfa/meetings/2011-02-14#**
>>>> resolution_3<>
>>>> >,
>>>>         <**rdfa/meetings/2010-05-13#**
>>>> resolution_1<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-05-13#**resolution_3<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-06-17#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >;
>>>>       bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>         bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-01-13#**ISSUE__2d_60__3a__XMLLiteral_**
>>>> context_preservation<>
>>>> >]],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2011-11-10#**resolution_2<>
>>>> >],
>>>>       [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-05-13#**resolution_2<>>]
>>>> .
>>>> <#s_syntax> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#attribute_roles>,
>>>>       <#white_space> .
>>>> <#s_terms> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#s_vocab_entailment> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#s_vocab_expansion> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#s_vocab_expansion_details>,
>>>>       <#s_expansion_control> .
>>>> <#s_vocab_expansion_details> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#s_vocab_entailment> .
>>>> <#s_vocab_guidelines> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#scoping-of-prefix-mappings> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#setting-the-current-subject> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#the-current-document>,
>>>>       <#using--about>,
>>>>       <#typing-resources-with--**typeof>,
>>>>       <#determining-the-subject-**with-neither--about-nor--**typeof> .
>>>> <#sotd> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#statements> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#term-prefix-definitions-**vocabulary> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#the-current-document> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#toc> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#triples> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#turtle> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#typed-literals> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#typed-literals-1> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#typing-resources-with--**typeof> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#chaining-with--property-and-**-typeof> .
>>>> <#use-of-curies-in-specific-**attributes> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#using--about> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#using--href-or--src-to-set-**the-subject> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#using--resource-to-set-the-**object> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#vocabulary> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:chapter <#term-prefix-definitions-**vocabulary>,
>>>>       <#processor-graph-reporting>,
>>>>       <#vocabulary-relationship> .
>>>> <#vocabulary-expansion> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#vocabulary-relationship> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#white_space> a bibo:Chapter;
>>>>     bibo:issue [ a bibo:Issue;
>>>>       bibo:affirmedBy <**
>>>> rdfa/meetings/2010-05-20#**resolution_1<>>]
>>>> .
>>>> <#why-curies-and-not-qnames> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#xml-dtd-definition> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#xml-schema-definition> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> <#xmlrdfaconformance> a bibo:Chapter .
>>>> Gregg
>>>> [1]**core/ <>
>>>>  Gregg
>>>>>>  Anyone could fill out this form, though typically it would be the
>>>>>>>> staff
>>>>>>>> contact's responsibility; once submitted, the publication request
>>>>>>>> goes
>>>>>>>> into the DB, and emails to the appropriate people and lists (chairs
>>>>>>>> list, domain lead, staff contacts, marcomm, webreq, etc.) are sent
>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>> automagically.
>>>>>>>> In addition, it's queued up in a list/tool (maybe team-only, but
>>>>>>>> with a
>>>>>>>> public view) that lets the domain lead and/or director click a
>>>>>>>> checkbox
>>>>>>>> to approve the publication if necessary; this would also generate
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> correct emails. This list would include crucial status information,
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> make it easier to track what stages have been done for the
>>>>>>>> publication,
>>>>>>>> and what is blocking, making it consistent and easy to review and
>>>>>>>> approve without hunting through email lists.
>>>>>>>> Some odd cases would need to be done by regular email, of course,
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> the vast majority of spec publications would be handled by this.
>>>>>>> That needs some reflection. In practice, we've seen people asking for
>>>>>>> exceptions (whether they are legitimate or not is another question
>>>>>>> :-).
>>>>>>> The system must take that into account, it's not that easy,
>>>>>>> unless we enforce the rule "no exception, follow the process".
>>>>>>>> This would be an optional tool, though staff contacts would be
>>>>>>>> encouraged to use it; if the pub requests came through email, the
>>>>>>>> staff
>>>>>>>> contact or webmaster could just make sure they are filed in this
>>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>>> correctly.
>>>>>>> Someone once suggested to have a transition period (something like a
>>>>>>> year) so that existing specs can be migrated, then it would become
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> norm. The Webmaster's time would be more useful helping for these
>>>>>>> migrations rather than having to deal with the exceptions forever.
>>>>>>>> This would empower WG participants, and could free up some of the
>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>> tedious time from staff contacts.
>>>>>>> +1  oh and Webmaster's time as well, let's not forget it :-)
>>>>>>>> This may already have been suggested elsewhere or elsewhen (I
>>>>>>>> thought of
>>>>>>>> it years ago), but I think it'd be useful.
>>>>>>>> Anyone like this idea?
>>>>>>> /me likes
>>>>>>> Alexandre.
>>>>>>>> Regards-
>>>>>>>> -Doug

Shane P. McCarron
Managing Director, Applied Testing and Technology, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2013 21:41:47 UTC