Re: W3C Spec Restyle Phase II

On 3 Jul 2012, at 4:07 PM, fantasai wrote:

> On 07/03/2012 12:50 PM, Ian Jacobs wrote:
>> Please include two more bits:
>>  * Superseded. There should be a visible indicator (and non-visible information as well) when a specification has been superseded. This may happen
>>    as frequently as "with the publication of the next draft.")
> I'm not sure what you mean here. Can you show me an example?


>>  * Ready to use? There should be an easy-to-find answer to that question up front. Where the answer is "Yes, but..." there should be clues of how to
>>    get more detail.
> The answer is "Yes, but..." in every case, isn't it? :)
> Officially CR or later is "ready to use", right? But that doesn't seem
> to be a high-fidelity marker these days.

I agree, and wanted to have a way for people to find easily any useful guidance about what is or is not yet widely supported. That guidance might live outside the spec, so a strong clue and a link was what I was looking for.

> I'm not sure how much it makes
> sense to make up some other status marker that's unrelated to the W3C
> Process.

I can see that point, but I also think people want a sense of a tipping point that reasonable interop is not far away.

> The CSSWG has its own set of phases, which are used on
> but I'm not sure they'd be relevant to other WGs.

>>  Also, I don't love "Paraphernalia". How about "Use it" ? There should be a link for errata there as well (when relevant).
> I don't think "Use it" is an improvement, but Paraphernalia was
> chosen to make people come up with better ideas. :P

+1 to forcing attention. I'll watch the thread.


> ~fantasai

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2012 21:21:38 UTC