Re: Thoughts about future pubrules

On 02/05/2012 18:40, Alexandre Bertails wrote:
> Because of these reasons, I would propose to go for *only one way* to
> do things.

Not sure I followed that point.

Do you mean here just one way of submitting the drafts or do you mean
just one way of producing the specs, and that all editors should use
the same build system?

I hope you didn't mean the latter. Many groups have a lot of investment
in tailored build systems to meet the requirements of their specs.
Certainly the ones I know most about: Math and (by observation)
XQuery/XSLT have a lot of investment in XSLT2 based pipleines, HTML has
its own anolis build system etc.

Any system is of course replaceable, but replacing the build system
and getting back to an equivalent spec would be a complicated and
error prone undertaking.


Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 21:49:20 UTC