Re: WebIDL Dictionaries

Hi Robin,

On 7.9.2011, at 18.33, ext Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Jul 11, 2011, at 19:44 , Eliot Graff wrote:
>> Yes, the same sort of rendering would be perfect.
> Sorry it took a while. I've just committed an update to ReSpec that supports dictionaries. The syntax is hopefully pretty much the one you'd expect.

Thanks, this is excellent!

Would it possible for the dictionary to show up within the same WebIDL block with other definitions? Currently it is wrapped within its own WebIDL block (or am I doing it wrong?), see:

Some specs which do not use ReSpec.js but do use dictionaries seem to include dictionary within the same WebIDL block with other definitions which depend on it, e.g.:

I may try to get my hands dirty and hack with ReSpec.js myself, but I'm asking here first in case you have a preference because you're Mr. ReSpec.js :)


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 17:09:40 UTC