Re: TR references checker

* Dominique Hazaël-Massieux wrote:
>I've put on-line a 1st release of a tool allowing to check that links to
>dated TR documents are still up to date:
> might be useful to extend it to
check for RFCs. I am not sure whether there is similar machine-readable
data for Internet Drafts... 

>The following references were found in this document, and point to an
>outdate version of a W3C Technical Report:
>    * Potential outdated ref: Character
>      Model for the World Wide Web
>    * Potential outdated ref: HTML 4.0
>      Specification
>    * Potential outdated ref: Extensible Markup
>      Language (XML) 1.0

It might be better UI-wise to state "newer version available" rather
than "potential outdated ref".


Received on Sunday, 25 July 2004 14:38:21 UTC