Re: Auto-generated Bibliographies

On Monday 16 June 2003 08:04, Ian B. Jacobs wrote:
> When I refer to a stable Rec, I use the dated version. When
> I refer to a document that's not yet a Rec, I refer to the
> dated version of the latest draft AND include a "latest version"
> link as well.

I believe the practice is to say what you mean, which IMHO means that for 
normative references one always provides a pointer to a dated version. (One 
can't normatively include the unspecified future, though in xmldsig we did 
get very closing to that with some of the Unicode specs and addendums! 
<smile/>) If your intent is to track another version then saying as much 
and providing both makes sense. 

Regardless, for a auto-biblio generation, I certainly want the dated 

Received on Monday, 16 June 2003 10:14:16 UTC