New release of XML Spec DTD/Stylesheets

To support the new pubrules, and because I've been meaning to do this
for the stylesheets for a long time, I've published a new set of DTDs
and Stylesheets at

This includes a 2.2 version of the DTD (with support for 'altlocs' to
handle the new pubrules and also with marked sections to make
customization practical). I made the executive decision that I could
publish 2.2 without warning or consultation. It may very well be the
case that I have no authority to do so. In any event, this message is
the only place that refers to that URI publically. I won't say
anything else in any other forum until there's some buy in.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM    | Language is by its very nature a communal
XML Standards Architect | thing; that is, it expresses never the exact
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  | thing but a compromise--that which is common
                        | to you, me, and everybody.--T. E. Hulme

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2002 11:32:16 UTC