improvements to xmlspec

Dear xmlspec maintainers:

I got the following error report from T.V. Raman when editing
a chapter of the XForms spec. I wouldn't have made these mistakes
if the dtd hadn't allowed me to make them :-(. I hope either
the dtd or the xslt can be fixed to avoid such problems in
the future.

>1) I added a token summary attribute to the table, please
>    add something more meaningful.

This should be made mandatory.

>2) Do not put element table inside a para --specxml allows
>    this,
>but the resulting HTML produced by specxsl does not pass
>    tidy.

This is the usual problem. I guess the stylesheet should
produce <p></p><table></table><p></p> for HTML from
<p><table></table></p> in the input.

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Saturday, 19 January 2002 05:22:21 UTC