Re: Editing tools

At 12:17 2001 03 07 -0500, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>One of the topics that came up at the BOF was what tools are available.

>Dreamweaver - clean roundtrip of code, no XHTML specific support i think,
>widely used. Macintosh / Windows
>Amaya - XHTML support, Windows/Unix
>XMLSpy - XML support (XML+CSS?), Windows
>Xmetal - Windows, ???
>Please add to / edit the list. I am assuming that anything which can't
>cleanly roundtrip source code and doesn't support at least XHTML is useless
>(Amaya supports XHTML but doesn't do clean roundtrip...)

Arbortext's Epic Editor/Publisher tools edit any XML including
(valid) HTML and XHTML.  Most Unix opsys and Windows.  Comes
with an XHTML document type (though you can also generate your
own or modify what gets distributed).

What does "clean roundtrip" mean?


Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2001 13:58:17 UTC