Updates to http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/spec-prod/

Hi folks,

I just checked in a bunch of changes to the XML Spec stylesheets.

  fo/xmlspec.xsl     now exists (it's pretty awful, but I'll be working
                     on it, probably by rewriting it from scratch :-)
  html/xmlspec.xsl   lots of fixes
  html/diffspec.xsl  ditto
  html/slices.xsl    A "slicing" version (hacked from MaxF's mostly)
  html/xtslices.xsl  A "slicing" version that works with XT
  html/slices-common.xsl  The bulk of the actual work
  dtd/xmlspec-v20.dtd     For historical interest

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@East.Sun.COM | What are the thoughts of the canvas on
XML Technology Center     | which a masterpiece is being created? "I am
Sun Microsystems, Inc.    | being soiled, brutally treated and
                          | concealed from view." Thus men grumble at
                          | their destiny, however fair.--Jean Cocteau

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2000 15:40:05 UTC