spec-DTD for non-normative annotations?

Dear spec-prod subscribers,

I'm quite new to this list; maybe my questions were answered earlier and
I missed it (i took a short look at the archives...)

I'm working on a project with the German W3C Office in order to
translate all of the W3C Recommendations to German. Additionaly to the
translation we want the translators to add annotations to make the specs
more understandable (sorry ;-), maybe to add some specific German
information. For example: if XML supports Unicode, what does it mean for
German umlauts? Questions like that shall be answered in the non
normative annotations.

We want to write all translations in XML according to the spec DTD (I
already translated two RECs using my own DTD). Currently I begin to use
spec DTD 2.1 (downloaded from

My questions are
- is this the latest version of spec DTD?
- if not, where can I find the latest version?
- yes, i can make my own version of spec DTD that would include an
element named <non-normative-annotation> for example. but would it be
possible to include such an element in the official spec DTD? if yes, I
would like to participate in the discussion of the needs for an
extension to the spec DTD.

Thanks in advance for an answer!

Greetings from Germany


PS: if you're interested: a web page for my translation project can be
found at http://mintert.com/w3c/trans/de/. but it's entirely written in


  Mintert Consulting - Building Future Directions


Received on Friday, 8 September 2000 04:38:16 UTC