Re: Publishing tool ideas for W3C editors

Paul Grosso wrote:
> At 19:27 2000 07 21 -0400, Ian Jacobs wrote:
> >1) The XML and DOM groups converge on a common DTD for
> >   their specs (at least a common core). Eve has said that
> >   she has little time at the moment but is interested. Philippe,
> >   I propose that you and Eve coordinate on this.
> >
> >2) Once we have that core format, we figure out how to map
> >   xhtml to it with an xslt style sheet.
> Can you elaborate on your expected document creation scenario.
> I'm still confused as to why we'd want to spend time doing
> (2) given (1).  How do you forsee people actually producing
> documents?

Suppose that I don't want to use an XML authoring tool, just
and html authoring tool. If I follow some rules (use of H1,
some classes, etc.), I can still benefit from the scripts
that generate the table of contents, index, etc. One day I'll
start writing in the xmlspec DTD, but not today. So I want
the scripts to be based on the xmlspec DTD with some transformations
available today from xhtml to xmlspec.
> The way Eve and I and Lauren Wood (DOM) and, I assumed, most
> others generate specs to the xmlspec DTD is to author in XML
> that conforms to the xmlspec DTD and then run various transformations
> to generate the (x)html.  In that scenario, I don't see how an
> xhtml DTD to xmlspec DTD transformation has a useful role.

For those of us who don't author (yet) directly in XML. 

> I'm suspecting you have a different scenario in mind, but I'd
> like to hear more about it.
 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Saturday, 22 July 2000 14:13:06 UTC