issues and resolutions

Having used the spec DTD (well, the DOM version of it) to write the 
last Call disposition of Comments documents, I found myself 
needing a resolution element to go with the issue element.

So I added it, changing the DTD as follows:

<!ELEMENT issue ((%obj.mix;)+,resolution?)>
<!ATTLIST issue %common-idreq.att;>

<!ELEMENT resolution (%obj.mix;)+>
<!ATTLIST resolution %common.att;>

I request that this resolution element be added to the general spec 
DTD, since I think it will be useful for groups other than the DOM. 
For formatting, we use the issue ID as generated content, and 
generate "Issue [value of ID att]:" and "Resolution: ", with a line 
break in between. This seems to work well.



Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2000 19:16:44 UTC